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Title: | 臺灣開放銀行關鍵因素權重評比之研究 Studying of Weighting Assessment on Key Factors of Open Banking in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林鉉宬 Lin, Xuan-Cheng |
Contributors: | 許志義 Hsu, Jyh-Yih 林鉉宬 Lin, Xuan-Cheng |
Keywords: | 開放銀行 第三方服務業者 層級分析法 Open Banking Third Party Service Provider Analytic Hierarchy Process |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:26:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 開放銀行是當前先進國家之潮流趨勢,由於資訊科技的進步,現今金融業者面對外在競爭者不再只侷限於傳統金融業者,第三方服務業者(Third Party Services Provider, TSP)也參與其中。開放銀行使得新興商業模式的興起,涉及各個不同面向與關鍵成功因素,這些面向與關鍵因素之間的相對權重,乃是相關產業與政府部門值得深入探討的課題。本研究旨在探討臺灣開放銀行關鍵因素之權重分析,藉由相關文獻的蒐集與彙整,建立層級架構,主層級架構包含三個面向:政府面向指標、業者面向指標,以及技術面向指標,藉由此三項指標整合出各項次層級之影響因素,藉由層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)整理影響因素的權重排序。本研究藉由市場調查將問卷對象分為兩類,包括專家學者以及企業人士,經過問卷調查後發現,不論專家學者或是企業人士,皆認為「政府面向指標」是開放銀行發展中最重要的關鍵指標。在整體問卷實證結果中,影響因素之權重排序依次為:「消費者賦權」(0.4177)、「TSP 業者治理制度」(0.1978),以及「銀行」(0.1799)。不同群組的問卷對象之調查結果顯示,專家學者群組認為「消費者賦權」(0.3703)、「TSP 業者治理制度」(0.2484),以及「銀行」(0.1922)為前三重要的影響因素;企業人士群組認為「消費者賦權」(0.4523)、「銀行」(0.1588),以及「TSP 業者治理制度」(0.1538)為前三重要的影響因素。 Open banking is the current trend in developed countries. Due to the progress of information technology, the financial industry is no longer limited to the traditional financial industry; however, third-party services providers have joined the competition for financial services. The rise of emerging business models caused by open banking involves different aspects and key success factors. The relative weight between these aspects and key factors is a topic worthy of in-depth discussion by relevant industries and government departments. This study explores the weight analysis of the key factors of Taiwan`s open banking. A hierarchical structure is established through collecting and consolidating relevant literature. The main hierarchical structure includes three aspects: governmentoriented indicators, industry-oriented indicators, and technology-oriented indicators. Through these three indicators, the influencing factors of each sub-level are integrated, sorting out the weight ranking of various influencing factors.This study divides the questionnaire into two categories through a market survey: experts/scholars and industry insiders. After the questionnaire survey, it was found that overall, the "government-oriented indicator" is the most important key indicator in developing open banks, and the order of weight of influencing factors is: "Consumer Empowerment" (0.4177), "TSP Supervision" (0.1978), and "Bank" (0.1799). The survey results of different groups of respondents showed that experts/scholars believed that "Consumer Empowerment" (0.3703), "TSP Supervision" (0.2484), and "Bank" (0.1922) were the first three critical influencing factors; Industry Insiders believe that "Consumer Empowerment" (0.4523), "Bank" (0.1588), and "TSP Supervision" (0.1538) are the first three critical influencing factors. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟學系 108258030 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108258030 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201174 |
Appears in Collections: | [經濟學系] 學位論文
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