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Title: | 在獨立與依附之間:馬來西亞沙巴與砂拉越自主權運動研究 Between Independent and Dependent: A Research of Autonomy Movement in Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia |
Authors: | 周兆鴻 Hong, Chew Zhao |
Contributors: | 孫采薇 Sun, Tsai-Wei 周兆鴻 Chew Zhao Hong |
Keywords: | 馬來西亞 沙巴 砂拉越 自主權 自治 比較政治 Malaysia Sabah Sarawak Autonomy Independence Comparative Politics |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:22:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1963年,馬來西亞在冷戰時局下匆匆成立,由馬來亞、沙巴(舊稱北婆羅洲)、砂拉越及新加坡共同組成。沙巴及砂拉越(簡稱「沙砂」)在1963年《馬來西亞協定》保障下享有多項自主權益,如海關、石油稅收、宗教、語言等。新加坡獨立之後,長期面對西馬為首的聯邦政府直接或間接干預沙砂內政,導致沙巴及砂拉越的自主權地位逐漸式微,從平等建國夥伴化為之後的馬來西亞第12、13州。然而,由於2013年之後的國陣政府受重創,砂拉越成為了國陣政府得以繼續執政的「造王者」(關鍵少數)。同時,具有強烈本土意識的阿德南上臺擔任砂首長,積極捍衛並爭取砂拉越自主權。砂拉越也出現許多以爭取自主權自居的民間團體組織,形成了一股結合體制內外的「自主權運動」。反之,原本有著一樣歷史條件的沙巴,卻在此時並未如同砂拉越般發展大規模的自主權運動。
本文以層級分析法作為途徑,比較沙巴及砂拉越自主權運動在2013年後的方式及發展,以及不同層級所催生因素帶來的影響。結論發現,沙巴及砂拉越自主權運動作為東南亞新興的自治運動場域,許多對此課題的研究或報導,經常將沙巴及砂拉越作為同個歷史命運共同體,混為一談。但其實兩個地區之間在自主權運動的歷史條件、運作方式、困境等都有顯著的差異。砂拉越所掌握的條件暫時掌握優勢,並已發展出一定規模的「獨派」勢力,而鄰邦沙巴則面對外交及非法移民等「內憂外患」的窘境,使自主權運動及訴求進程緩慢。 Malaysia was hastily established in 1963 during the Cold War and was formed by Malaya, Sabah (formerly known as North Borneo), Sarawak and Singapore. Sabah and Sarawak enjoyed a number of autonomous rights, such as customs, petroleum taxation, religion, and language, under the guarantee of the founding contract Malaysia Agreement 1963. After Singapore`s independence from the federation, the federal government led by West Malaysia interfered directly or indirectly in the internal affairs of Sabah and Sarawak for a long time, resulting in the gradual decline of the autonomy in Sabah and Sarawak, from equal partners in nation-building “downgraded” to the 12th and 13th states of Malaysia. However, after 2013, Sarawak became the "kingmaker" for the BN (Barisan Nasional) government to remain in power as the BN government was severely damage after the 13th General Election. At the same time, Adenan Satem, who has a strong sense of localism, came to power as the Premier of Sarawak (formerly known as Chief Minister) and actively defended and fought for Sarawak`s autonomy. At the same time, many civil society organizations emerged in Sarawak that claimed to fight for autonomy, forming an "autonomy movement" that combined both inside and outside the system. On the contrary, Sabah had the same historical conditions but did not develop a large-scale autonomy movement like Sarawak did at this time.
This paper uses hierarchical analysis as a way to compare the ways and developments of the autonomy movements in Sabah and Sarawak after 2013, as well as the effects of the factors spawned at different levels. The conclusion is that many studies and reports on the Sabah and Sarawak autonomy movements as emerging autonomy movements in Southeast Asia often confuse Sabah and Sarawak as the same historical common destiny. In fact, there are significant differences between the two regions in terms of historical conditions, operation, and dilemmas of the autonomy movement. Sarawak has a temporary advantage in terms of conditions and has developed a certain scale of "independent" power, while Sabah, the neighbouring state, faces the dilemma of both internal and external problems such as diplomacy and illegal immigration, which slow down the progress of the autonomy movement and its demands. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治學系 108252023 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108252023 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201313 |
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