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    Title: 從生命政治看無差別殺人事件
    Indiscriminate Killing: An Interpretation from Bio-political Perspective
    Authors: 孫潔瑩
    Sun, Jie-Ying
    Contributors: 葉浩

    Yeh, Hao
    Weng, Yen-Ching

    Sun, Jie-Ying
    Keywords: 無差別殺人
    Random killing
    Indiscriminate killing
    Mass shooting
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:21:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 無差別殺人事件在現代社會已層出不窮,無論是台灣的隨機殺人、日本的無差別殺人 或美國的大規模公眾槍擊事件,都可觀察到相似的特徵。回顧文獻發現,它造成的傷 亡規模與發生頻率,尚未有迫使政府做出區別性策略的必要,但由於此類事件加害者 與受害者之間無冤無仇,且於公眾場所行兇,往往引發嚴重的道德恐慌,人們傾向將 這類罪行視為「化外之行」:不文明的、非理性的、嚴重觸法且遠遠逾越社會道德規 範。本論文詴圖探討這類悲劇究竟是國家失靈,抑或是當代文明造成的「副產品」。
    本論文藉由文獻分析法,以科際整合的方式確定研究概念與現象詮釋學的研究途徑, 先回顧從布希亞到貝拉迪的論述脈絡是如何看待這一類社會暴力,我們發現布希亞注 意到了豐盛社會的獨有暴力,是如何與匱乏社會的暴力不同;而貝拉迪則描繪了此類 事件的鬥爭性、藝術性、哲學性與痛苦性,並認為這種事件是一種侵略性的自殺外溢 形式,以回應符號資本主義的集體生存情境。然而,這樣的解釋無法從事件本身視角 切入,也忽略了政治實體與司法力量在此類事件所扮演的角色。
    因此,本文提供生命政治的視野作為補充,從爬梳鄭捷案判決書的規訓史開始,到生 命政治視野下此類事件對社會機體之挑戰。本文研究發現這類事件的無差別性,本身 是一種反規訓的力量,意在打破集體生命防護的政治目標。其拒絕規訓之特性,亦使 政治學與社會學必雍重新檢視此類事件與一般犯罪的不同之處:首先,是它根本不可 預防;再者,司法在此也失去了其「審判」正義與「矯治」犯人的功能,因其拒絕矯 治。如果人民無法因犯罪者得到處罰而受到法律的保障,而當司法本身也成為犯罪的 場景,國家與司法的角色便陎臨嚴峻的挑戰。最後,它非但並不野蠻,還是一種與文 明相伴而來的暴力。
    Over the past decades, indiscriminate killings have emerged one after the other. Be it "random killing" in Taiwan, "indiscriminate killing" in Japan, or "mass shooting" in the United States, an observed amount of similarities in characteristics are shared amongst them. From the literature review, we found that the scale and the frequency of casualties caused by it have not yet driven the government to differentiate it from other types of crimes. However, it always triggers severe "moral panic" among the public. In society, these crimes are viewed as uncivilized and irrational, serious offenses that severely violate social and moral norms. This thesis explores whether such tragedies are the failures of states or the "by-product" of contemporary civilization.
    This paper uses the method of phenomenological hermeneutics through interdisciplinary integration and provides a brief analysis of events in the literature review from the perspectives of Baudrillard and Berardi. This paper provides a bio-political perspective, which begins by reviewing the disciplinary history of Cheng Chieh`s case, showing how disciplinary power works inside and how this event is regarded as a virus to be excluded and prevented by society. The findings of this paper show that indiscriminate killing aims to challenge the purpose of biopolitics, which is "to make live," and breaks the utopian myth of safety and risk management, and it resists being "cured." Indiscriminate killing is a type of civilized violence meant to devour the civilization itself; as social norms flourish, it follows close behind. In simple terms, it will always occur.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105252020
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201415
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