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    Title: 人權與工作權: 以國際勞工組織之核心國際勞動標準為研究重心
    Human Rights and the Right to Work: Focusing on the International Core Labor Standards of ILO
    Authors: 陳韋蓁
    Chen, Wei-Chen
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei-Chun
    Chen, Wei-Chen
    Keywords: 人權
    Human rights
    Right to work
    Core labor standards
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:16:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「人權」是當代社會的重要構成之一。「工作權」自1948年世界人權宣言首次被登錄於國際人權法,從此,工作權作為一種人權的事實,自不待言。本文有意自人權的視野出發,著眼於人權與工作權在歷史流變中與在法律系統裡的互賴性,以及國際勞工組織(ILO)之「核心國際勞動標準」與台灣法制之間的可比較性。期望藉此挖掘出國際勞工組織面臨九〇年代全球化充滿韌性的表現,同時借助西方人權歷史的爬梳、與二戰後國際人權規範體系的建構,系統性地檢視與剖析工作權如何是、又如何作為一種人權,並覺察與梳理人權內在之人本思想的繼承與意義。
    "Human rights" is an important component of contemporary society. "The right to work" showed up as a kind of human right for the first time in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. This dissertation starts with the perspective of human rights,  and then focuses on the “interaction” of human rights and the right to work both in history and legal system; as well as the “comparison” between the international core labor standards and Taiwan’s labor laws. In order to systematically examine and analyze the relationship between the right to work and human rights, this dissertation will not only explore the Western human rights history, but also the resilience of the ILO as it faces the impact of globalization in the 1990s.
    This dissertation focuses on the “eight fundamental conventions” which are known as ILO’s international core labor standards. Firstly, by exploring the history of Western human rights and the English labor movement in nineteenth Century, the dissertation tried to point out the correlation between humanitarian and the development of ILO’s international core labor standards. Also, giving a brief stretch of the law system of human rights and the right to work in modern society. Secondly, introduce the development, background, content and implementation of ILO’s international core labor standards. Furthermore, comparing it with Taiwan’s labor law system. Finding out that Taiwan has showed high respect for international labor standards when it comes to legislation and amending laws. Finally, this dissertation attempts to indicate the similarity of “people striving for human rights” and “workers attempting to get the right to work”, especially in the pursuit of liberation. Then, this dissertation concludes that Taiwan’s current labor legislation has been almost in keep up with the ILO’s core labor standards, and it also could be seen that the development of international core labor standards is a trend of humanitarian.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105262022
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201395
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Labor Research] Theses

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