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Title: | 臺北市單一陳情系統陳情案件之空間分析 Spatial analysis on the calls or service requests in Taipei City simple petition system |
Authors: | 楊沛育 Yang, Pai-Yu |
Contributors: | 廖興中 Liao, Hsin-Chung 楊沛育 Yang, Pai-Yu |
Keywords: | 臺北市單一陳情系統 空間分析 公民參與 地理資訊系統 Taipei city simple petition system Spatial analysis Citizen participation Geographical information system |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:15:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺北市單一陳情系統是臺北市政府近年來致力推動的大型服務項目,該平台將過去1999市民熱線的服務升級,以簡易的介面和更方便的使用方式讓民眾主動提出生活中遇到的問題。當民眾主動陳情時,除了能幫助政府尋找問題,也在無形中增加了公民參與的機會。但過去與市民陳情服務相關的研究多探討該服務的民眾滿意度和執行效率,較少著重分析民眾陳情行為。因此本研究以臺北市單一陳情系統於2019至2020年蒐集的陳情案件資料和臺北市各地的人口特徵資料,以里為分析單位,將視覺化的地圖作為資料分析的呈現方式,瞭解民眾陳情行為和當地人口特徵的相關性。同時,也蒐集負責處理案件的相關同仁實務上的經驗。在三大案件類型違建占用、違規停車和市容整潔的分析結果和訪談內容中,都可以發現女性和65歲以上人口較多的地區都會有較高的陳情率,人口密度較高的地區也會有較高的陳情率。但資料分析結果和訪談內容也存在相異之處,表示仍可能存在會影響民眾陳情行為的其他因素。另外,本研究也將該資料的處理過程和步驟詳細記錄,也列出仍待解決的問題和建議,以利後續研究延伸發展。未來相關單位除了應持續維持資料的完整度外,也應提升民眾對於臺北市單一陳情系統的認知程度和使用的廣度,藉由民眾主動的公民參與改善更多的社區事務,共創互惠互助的社會。 Taipei city simple petition system is a service that Taipei has been promoting in recent years. The platform has upgraded the services of the previous 1999 Citizens` Hotline, with a more convenient way to allow people to ask for help. Also, it can increase the opportunities of citizen participation in the same time. This study uses the data collected by the Taipei city simple petition system from 2019 to 2020, with the visual maps as the presentation method of data analysis. It also collects the practical experience of government employees who are responsible for handling the cases of petition. In the results, it can be found that areas with a large population of women and people over 65 years old will have a higher rate of petition. Also, areas with a higher population density will also have higher rate of petition. However, there may still have other factors that may affect the people`s petitioning behavior. In addition, this study also lists the problems and suggestions that still need to be solved in Taipei city simple petition system. In the future, hope the local government can enhance the public`s awareness of the Taipei city simple petition system and improve more citizen participation in the society. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 109256010 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201299 |
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