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Title: | 地方創生的先行者?池上秋收稻穗藝術節之跨部門協力網絡研究 The Pioneer of Regional Revitalization? A Research of a Cross-Sector Collaboration Network at the Chishang Autumn Harvest Rice Art Festival |
Authors: | 林彥竹 Lin, Yen-Chu |
Contributors: | 傅凱若 Fu, Kai-Jo 林彥竹 Lin, Yen-Chu |
Keywords: | 池上秋收 跨部門協力網絡 地方創生 社會資本 台灣好基金會 Chishang Autumn Harvest Cross-sector collaboration Network Regional revitalization Social capital Lovely Taiwan Foundation |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:14:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2019年,我國正式推展「地方創生國家戰略計畫」。有別於過往社區營造的補助型態,地方創生採以投資的模式,與民間共同出資、出力,發掘「地方DNA」,建構出跨部門協力網絡,藉以發展經濟產業,恢復鄉村生機。 本研究旨在於探討地方活動的推展運作,以及公部門、民間企業、在地非營利組織與外界非營利組織所形成的跨部門協力網絡互動,並分析與社會資本理論及地方創生政策的關聯。本文透過文獻分析法歸納跨部門協力理論、社會資本理論與地方創生政策,瞭解到地方創生理念強調在地性,且其鼓勵民間企業與非營利組織和政府發展跨部門協力網絡,針對在地困境提出改善計畫。再者,當在地居民彼此串聯或者導入外界資源時,則符合橋接型社會資本或是連結型社會資本的意涵。本研究以「池上秋收稻穗藝術節」作為個案,訪談在地民間單位、外地民間單位與公部門,同時實證跨部門協力網絡與社會資本的關聯,以及探討該個案是否符合地方創生先行者的理念。 研究發現來自外地的台灣好基金會導入鄉村所需要的企業贊助與藝文資源,並與在地的池上文化藝術協會串聯當地其他團體與民眾。上述兩者作為池上秋收的主要行動者,在協力互動過程中的「網絡參與、溝通協調、資源分享、信任累積」等面向,發展出緊密和諧的關係。目前,池上秋收已接受政府的資源補助,但民間主辦方仍擔心政府干預過多,將影響其活動主導性。此外,透過池上秋收的個案,本研究發現地方活動的跨部門協力網絡與社會資本的發展密不可分。再者,民間單位受訪者認為該活動並非以地方創生理念進行之,與過往研究界定為地方創生有所出入。惟本文探究池上米糧產業與秋收之間相輔相成的關係後,得知該活動與地方產業具有高度連結,故本研究界定池上秋收為地方創生的先行者。 In 2019, Taiwan officially launched a nationally strategic plan for regional revitalization. It is a concept different from that of mere governmental subsidies for local community constructions in the past. Regional revitalization adopts the concept of investment, where the government collaborates with the private sector to explore the “local DNAs” (unique characteristics of a place). Therefore, a formation of cross-sector collaboration network is formed, and economic industries can be developed. With which help, the countryside will thus revive. This study aims to discuss the operation of local development promotions, as well as the interaction in the cross-sector collaboration network formed by the government, private sectors, and both local and non-local non-profit organizations (NPOs). The study also analyzes the correlation between the theory of social capitalism and the strategies applied in regional revitalization. Through literature analysis of both the theory and the strategies aforementioned, the researcher has found the fact that the concept of regional revitalization puts emphasis on localization, or local culture elements, and encourages both sectors to co-work with NPOs for resolutions to local developmental problems with the help of the cross-sector collaboration network. In addition, it conform with the terms of bridging and linking social capitalism either when the local residents reach a consensus for improvements for the community or introduce external resources. This research has conducted a case study of an autumn harvest in the town of Chishang, Taitung County, in which interviews with both local and non-local organizations and the public sector were conducted. This research verified the correlation between the network and the social capitalism aforementioned and also inspected if the case conforms with the idea of regional revitalization.
This study has found that a non-local foundation called “Lovely Taiwan”helped to petition for corporate sponsorships and introduced the art and cultural resources needed in the community. Furthermore, the foundation worked with Chishang Culture and Art Association, connecting local organizations and local people. The two, as the leading advocates, coordinated the process of the network interaction, shared resources, and helped reinforce the sense of trust and tighten the relationship. The fact that the Chishang Autumn Harvest is still receiving subsidies from the public sector has concerned its organizers that the government would have excessive interventions into the events. Through the case study, on the other hand, this research has discovered that cross-sector collaboration network of local events are closely related with the development of social capitalism. In addition, the interviewees from the private sectors believed that the event was not thoroughly operated on the basis of the concept of regional revitalization. Instead, it was operated in a different way from that of the previous researches. Through closer investigation into the correlation between the local rice industry and the event, the researcher has also found a solid connection between local tourism and local industries. Thereby, the researcher identifies Chishang Autumn Harvest as the pioneer of the concept of regional revitalization. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 107256013 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201447 |
Appears in Collections: | [公共行政學系] 學位論文
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