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    Title: 中國大陸對紐約公約非內國仲裁判斷的法律架構與實踐研究
    A Research on the Legal Framework and Practices of New York Convention Non-Domestic Arbitral Awards in Mainland China
    Authors: 李孝安
    LI, Hsiao-An
    Contributors: 許耀明
    Yao-Ming HSU
    LI, Hsiao-An
    Keywords: 紐約公約
    New York Convention
    Foreign arbitral awards
    Non-domestic arbitral awards
    Arbitration law
    Reciprocal reservations
    Seat of arbitration institution criterion
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:10:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 外國仲裁在一國得到仲裁判斷後,在其他國家是否受到承認與執行是一個重要課題,關係到國際仲裁是否會被廣泛應用,進一步影響國際商務糾紛是否能有效解決,國際商務往來是否更為順利。由於各國法律對於承認與執行外國仲裁判斷的規定有很大的差異,使得推動承認與執行外國仲裁判斷具有很大的挑戰性。為尋求各國承認與執行外國仲裁判斷的一致作法,「外國仲裁判斷之承認及執行公約」( Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards,「紐約公約」) 因之簽訂。
    After an arbitral award is made in one country, whether it is recognized and enforced in other countries is an important issue. In order to seek a consistent approach to the international recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, the “Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” (1958 New York Convention) was signed. The New York Convention articles have not been modified for 64 years and have been widely supported by the international community.
    The scope of application of the New York Convention was widely discussed when it was drafted. The original draft took ”the territorial criterion” as the applicable standard for arbitral awards. Later, eight countries proposed amendments on the draft and compromise is made as New York Convention, Article 1, paragraph 1. The latter paragraph refers to the applicable criterion for non-domestic arbitral awards. Because the arbitral award is made in the country which recognition and enforcement is sought, it authorizes the countries to determine the rules of their application of the New York Convention through domestic legislation and practice, giving non-domestic arbitral awards greater flexibility in applying the New York Convention. Because the non-domestic arbitral award clause gives countries the flexibility to legislate, there are very diverse regulations and cases in different countries, which is also one of the most challenging issues for scholars in the New York Convention.
    Mainland China has increasingly interacted with the world in international trading. Therefore, in December 1986, Mainland China decided to join the New York Convention and the Convention entered into force for mainland China on April 22, 1987.
    Before the Civil Procedure Law and Arbitration Law were enacted, in order to apply the New York Convention, Mainland China established a review report system for district court to the Supreme People`s Court to recognize and enforce the New York Convention. The Civil Procedure Law was passed in April 1991, and the Arbitration Law was put into effect in September 1995, forming the legal framework for the application of the New York Convention in China.
    This research focuses on the application issues of non-domestic arbitral awards in Mainland China. This research studies the New York Convention and related documents and guidelines, the laws and cases of various countries, the scholars and experts researches, the judgments of Mainland China courts and the Supreme People`s Court replies on individual cases. This research also analyzes important issues concerning non-domestic arbitral awards in Mainland China, including whether the reciprocal reservations made by Mainland China affects the application of non-domestic arbitral awards in Mainland China, the applicable criterion of non-domestic arbitral awards, and important issues for the application of different types of non-domestic arbitral awards.
    This research conclude the non-domestic arbitral awards is applicable in Mainland China and the reciprocal reservations will not affect the applicability of non-domestic arbitral awards in Mainland China and through the Arbitration Law, the Civil Procedure Law, and cases ruled by Mainland China courts and the Supreme People`s Court`s replies to certain cases, a unique and special applicable criterion for non-domestic arbitral awards -- the seat of arbitration institution criterion has been gradually formed.
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    United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) https://www.un.org/ecosoc/en/home. (Last Visit: June 26, 2022).
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102961009
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201347
    Appears in Collections:[法學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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