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Title: | 文本地理資訊時空分析系統輔助高中地理科探究式學習成效影響研究 The Effects of a Textual Geographic Information system with Spatial-Temporal Analysis on Supporting Senior High School Geography Inquiry and Practical Teaching |
Authors: | 廖怡婷 Liao, Yi-Ting |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming 廖怡婷 Liao, Yi-Ting |
Keywords: | 空間人文學 地理資訊系統 探究式學習 高中地理課程 認知風格 空間思考能力 探究學習成效 自我效能 Spatial humanities Geographic information system Inquiry based learning Geography curriculum Cognitive style Spatial thinking skills Inquiry learning effectiveness Self-efficacy |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 14:59:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採用單組前實驗設計研究法,以台北市某高中一年級一個班級共19名學生為研究對象,探討學習者使用具「地理資訊探究模組」之「數位人文學習平台」支援地理科探究學習活動前後,對於探究學習成效、自我效能,以及科技接受度的影響,希望學習者透過此一系統輔助地理科探究學習活動,促進其探究學習成效與自我效能。此外,本研究亦探討不同認知風格與空間思考能力之學習者,在探究學習成效、自我效能與科技接受度上是否具有顯著的差異,並以半結構式訪談了解學習者對於使用此一系統輔以地理探究學習活動的學習感受與建議。最後,本研究採用滯後序列分析進一步探討學習者使用具「地理資訊探究模組」之「數位人文學習平台」進行探究學習的有效行為轉移模式。 研究結果發現,在探究學習表現方面,使用具「地理資訊探究模組」之「數位人文學習平台」支援地理科探究學習活動,對於整體學習者、圖像型認知風格學習者,以及空間思考能力中分組學習者在探究學習成效上具有顯著的助益;在自我效能方面,不論是整體學習者、不同認知風格與空間思考能力的學習者,於實驗活動前後的自我效能表現皆不具有顯著差異。根據訪談結果推測係因整體學習活動的時間不足,導致學習者無法在短時間熟悉系統功能,並針對探究議題進行深入探索,致使自我效能的表現並無顯著提升。在科技接受度方面,不論是整體學習者、不同認知風格與空間思考能力的學習者,對於系統使用感受均持相當高的肯定態度。在學習行為模式方面,顯示當學習者能夠同時充分運用一般文章瀏覽檢索功能與地理資訊探究模組功能輔以進行議題探索,不僅能加深其對於探討議題的觀察與理解,也能獲得更好的探究學習表現。 最後基於研究結果,本研究提出將此一系統應用於地理科探究學習活動之教學與系統功能改善建議。在未來研究方向上,本研究建議可嘗試改變研究實驗設計,加入控制組比較有無此一系統輔以探究學習之學習成效差異。此外,亦可嘗試在系統中增加不同類型的資源內容,或小組討論工具供學習者交流與討論,輔助地理科探究學習活動。整體而言,本研究結合地圖與文本資訊,發展具「地理資訊探究模組」之「數位人文學習平台」支援高中地理科探究學習活動,提供學習者從時間維度與空間維度更有效率的探究地理議題,對於促進地理科探究學習發展具有貢獻。 This research adopted a one-group pre-experimental design with 19 tenth-graders from one class of a senior high school in Taipei city, Taiwan to investigate the effects of using “Digital Humanities Learning Platform” with “Geographic Information Inquiry Module” to support inquiry learning activities in a geography course on inquiry learning effectiveness, self-efficacy, and technology acceptance. It is hoped that this system can promote the learners’ inquiry learning effectiveness and self-efficacy. In addition, with cognitive style and spatial thinking abilities as background variable, the influences on learners’ inquiry learning effectiveness, self-efficacy, and technology acceptance were also examined, and semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand learners’ feelings and suggestions on using this system to support geographic inquiry learning activities. Finally, lag sequential analysis was used to further investigate the effective behavioral transfer patterns of learners’ inquiry learning using “Digital Humanities Learning Platform” with “Geographic Information Inquiry Module.” The research findings of this study that, using “Digital Humanities Learning Platform” with “Geographic Information Inquiry Module” to support inquiry learning activities in a geography course had significant benefits for overall learners, visualizers, and learners with moderate levels of spatial thinking ability in terms of inquiry learning effectiveness. However, no significant promotion in self-efficacy performance was found for overall learners, learners with different cognitive styles and spatial thinking abilities who used “Digital Humanities Learning Platform” with “Geographic Information Inquiry Module” to support inquiry learning activities in a geography course. Based on the interviews, this study found that the lack of time for the learning activity prevented the learners from familiarizing themselves with the system and exploring the inquiry topic in depth in a short period of time, resulting in no significant promotion in self-efficacy performance. In terms of technology acceptance, learners with different cognitive styles and spatial thinking skills were all very positive toward using the system to support inquiry learning activities in a geography course. In terms of learning behavior patterns, it was found that when learners could fully utilize the functions of the traditional text search and “Geographic Information Inquiry Module” to assist in the exploration of interested geographic issues, they not only deepened their observations and understanding of the geographic issues, but also achieved better inquiry learning effectiveness. Based on the research results, this study suggests the application of this system to the teaching of inquiry learning activities in a geography course and the further improvement directions of system functions. In the future research directions, future study try to change the experimental design of the study to include a control group to compare the differences in inquiry learning effectiveness, self-efficacy, and technology acceptance between learners using the “Digital Humanities Learning Platform” with and without “Geographic Information Inquiry Module” to support inquiry learning activities in a geography course. Overall, this study simultaneously integrates map and text information to develop a “Digital Humanities Learning Platform” with a “Geographic Information Inquiry Module” to support inquiry learning activities in a high school’s geography course, providing learners with the opportunity to explore geographic issues in both temporal and spatial dimensions, and contributing to the promotion of their inquiry learning effectiveness. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 109155016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109155016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201161 |
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