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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/141559
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    Title: 機器學習結合集群與時間聚合方法應用於半導體供應鏈之需求預測 - 以 W 企業為例
    The Integration of Machine Learning with Grouping Policy and Temporal Aggregation for Demand Forecasting in Semiconductor SCM: Using W Company as an Example
    Authors: 邵晙瑋
    Shao, Chung-Wei
    Contributors: 張欣綠

    Chang, Hsin-Lu
    Tu, Yu-Ju

    Shao, Chung-Wei
    Keywords: 電子供應鏈
    Electronic Supply Chain
    Demand Forecasting
    Data Mining
    Machine Learning
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 14:48:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球對於電子性產品的大量需求,帶動著半導體產業的快速發展。而零組件通路商在供應鏈中游扮演重要的角色,須給予下游穩定的需求供給,同時也需要控制庫存水位以降低存貨持有成本。本研究目標為利用機器學習方法,預測未來下游客戶廠區的產品需求,以幫助通路商提前規劃其訂貨策略。

    本研究與亞洲最大的半導體零組件通路商(簡稱W公司)進行合作,使用過往下游客戶實際取貨(Call-off)去預測未來需求。經過資料探索,我們發現有主要兩個問題:整體資料因產品需求特性,呈現高度稀疏性、變異性,本研究針對以上問題,提出解決方法。首先,針對資料的高度稀疏性,我們設定了不同的預測區間,並使用時間聚合方法將資料顆粒度放大,降低資料稀疏程度,希望進而提升預測績效;針對不同產品的高變異性資料,我們使用集群方法將各產品做分組,組內的產品因擁有相似的需求特性,能夠更好地配適機器學習模型;最後使用不同的機器學習模型(XGBoost, SVM, Deep Neural Network)進行預測。期望找出最佳的需求預測資料組合模式,期望能幫助合作公司提升預測準確度,為半導體產業鏈帶來一些新的需求預測方法進行參考。
    As the high demand for electronic products has driven the development of the semiconductor industry, distributors play an important role in the supply chain because they need to meet downstream customer demand and control inventory levels to lower holding costs. The goal of this study is to use machine learning methods to predict future demand from downstream customers’ plants to help distributors schedule ordering policies.

    The study cooperates with Asia’s largest semiconductor component distributor (referred to as W Company) and uses its historical data to implement demand forecasting. We find two problems during the exploratory data analysis: high sparsity
    and high volatility due to the characteristics of customer demand. We solve problems by proposing a framework that includes temporal aggregation to lower data sparsity and grouping policies across different products to lower volatility and better fit machine learning models. We then employ three machine learning models — XGBoost, SVM, and Deep Neural Network — with different parameter settings. Our goal is to find the best forecasting combinations that are better than W company’s original method (8WMA).
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109356027
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201211
    Appears in Collections:[資訊管理學系] 學位論文

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