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    Title: 跨境併購過程之正當性研究——開發中國家企業併購已開發國家企業之情境
    A legitimacy perspective on cross-board acquisitions: the context of a firm based in a developing country acquiring firms based in developed countries
    Authors: 張磊
    Zhang, Lei
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Yu, Chow-Ming
    Wu, Lei-Yu

    Zhang, Lei
    Keywords: 開發中國家企業併購已開發國家企業
    a LDC firm acquiring a DC firm
    cross-board M&A
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 14:40:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以開發中國家企業併購已開發國家企業為研究情境,深入剖析併購各階段主併方之策略思維與行動方案,並以多國企業的正當性為切入口,探究併購前後二階段中來自外部或內部、macro-/micro-level利害關係人對併購進程之影響,以及主併方之因應行動,由此將正當性觀點從廣泛應用於多國企業進入策略之探索拓展並深入應用於多國企業國際併購策略之研究。本研究通過深入剖析一開發中國家企業併購已開發國家企業的案例,完整呈現主併方在併購前規劃、執行及併購後整合不同階段的決策與行動,並探究併購前後二階段併購行動之內在關聯性。本研究據此發展相關命題,並發現在併購過程中主併方正當性形成及變化的框架結構,且伴隨併購過程的推進,不同利害關係人的主要評價指標從策略面正當性逐步向人員面與文化面正當性的轉變,策略面、文化面、人員面之正當性亦在併購各階段行為中有著具體的體現。
    This study illustrated the M&A process under the scenario of a firm from a developing country (LDC) acquiring a firm in a developed country (DC), and deeply analyzed the strategic thinking and action in each stage. From the legitimacy perspective, this paper also explored the impact of both external/internal and macro-/micro-level stakeholders, as well as the corresponding action of the acquirer from LDC during the M&A process. Therefore, this paper unfolded the application of legitimacy perspective in area of cross-board M&As, extending from area of MNEs’ entry strategies. Through in-depth case analysis, this study revealed strategic decisions and action in different stages, including pre-merger planning, implementation and post-merger integration, as well as the internal relevance of the two stages. Based on this, this study developed relevant propositions, and depicted the framework of evolution process of MNEs’ legitimacy. With the advancement of M&A process, concerns of different stakeholders gradually changed from strategic legitimacy to culture and human legitimacy, while all types of legitimacy were embodied in strategic action.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104355510
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201236
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