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Title: | 運用影片及Kahoot!應用軟體學習英語字彙:臺灣補救教學國中生之個案研究 Learning English Vocabulary with Videos and the Kahoot! App: A Case Study on Taiwanese Junior High School Remedial Students |
Authors: | 陳仲維 Chen, Chung-Wei |
Contributors: | 許麗媛 Hsu, Li-Yuan 陳仲維 Chen, Chung-Wei |
Keywords: | 第二語言的單字教學 影片觀賞 Kahoot! 補救教學學生 vocabulary teaching in L2 video-viewing Kahoot! remedial students |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 14:37:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 數位工具及教學軟體已在近幾年來被運用在英文單字教學上。然而, 鮮少研究探討使用影片及Kahoot!來教導臺灣的國中補救教學學生。因此,本研究欲探討使用影片及Kahoot!對三位國中補救教學學生單字能力提升的有效性、他們對此教學法的態度以及此教學法對他們學習動機的影響。資料來源為以下四個管道:前後測、觀察筆記、學生回饋單以及深入訪談。 本研究結果顯示使用影片及Kahoot!對受試者的單字學習影響各異。兩位受試者的單字能力有所進步,然而一位受試者有退步的現象。雖然他們的單字學習成果各異,但所有的受試者對運用影片及Kahoot!來學習英文單字抱持正向的態度。至於對受試者學習態度的影響,訪談結果顯示,本研究所採用的教學方式有助於提升學習者的內在動機,此動機包含四個項目:挑戰、控制、好奇以及參與。最後,根據這些研究結果,本研究針對未來運用多媒體及數位工具在以英語為外語的教學環境下進行單字教學的研究提出改善的建議。 Digital tools and instructional software have been adopted recently in facilitation of English vocabulary instruction. However, little research has been done using both videos and Kahoot! to teach Taiwanese junior high school remedial students. As a result, the present study probes into the effectiveness of such teaching method on three Taiwanese junior high school remedial students’ vocabulary learning, their attitudes towards it, and how such method influences their learning motivation. Data were collected from four sources: The pre/post-tests, observation notes, student feedback forms, and an in-depth interview. The results of the present study showed that the effects of using videos and Kahoot! on the participants’ vocabulary learning varied, with two of them showing a positive effect and one revealing a negative effect. Despite their different vocabulary learning outcomes, all of the participants revealed positive attitude towards the implementation of videos and Kahoot! in learning English vocabulary. As for the effect of learning motivation, based on the interview results, the current teaching approach was found to stimulate learners’ intrinsic motivation in four aspects, challenge, control, curiosity and engagement. Finally, based on these findings, suggestions for the future refinement as well as application of using multimedia input and the digital tool to teaching vocabulary in the EFL context are provided. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 108551003 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201202 |
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