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    Title: 具虛擬互動之線上討論環境輔以拼圖法合作學習對於國小學生程式設計學習成效之影響研究
    Effects of Jigsaw Collaborative Method with the Support of an Online Virtual-interaction Discussion Environment on Primary School Student’s Programming Learning Performance
    Authors: 黃銘彥
    Huang, Ming-Yan
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Huang, Ming-Yan
    Keywords: 運算思維
    Computational thinking
    Programming learning
    Virtual classroom
    Jigsaw collaborative method
    Traditional teacher lecture
    COVID-19 epidemic
    Online learning
    Learning performance
    Learning attitudes
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 19:05:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 運算思維(Computational Thinking, CT)被視為是一種可以廣泛應用於日常生活情境輔以培養批判性思考,以及解決複雜問題的能力。因此,許多學者將其視為國家教育發展的重要領域,並透過Scratch等積木式的程式設計課程來教授國小學童運算思維。而當前國小的程式設計課程中,課程設計多採傳統教師講述法,導致部分學生會產生過度依賴教師協助的現象,不僅無法達成促進運算思維能力的教學目標,也造成教師教學的負擔與降低教師的教學成就感。此外,自2020年COVID-19疫情爆發以來,線上學習成為學生在疫情期間接受教育的最重要管道,使得如何善用各式可用以輔助線上學習的平台成為重要的課題。因此,本研究使用「Gather Town虛擬教室輔以拼圖法」輔助國小學童進行Scratch程式設計學習,期望能改善傳統教師講述法之缺點,並且克服疫情造成的學習限制,進而促進學習者的Scratch程式設計學習成效、運算思維,以及學習態度。
    本研究採用準實驗研究法,以新北市某公立國小五年級兩個班級共48名學生為研究對象,將兩個班級隨機分派為實驗組與控制組,進行Scratch程式設計學習。其中一班24名學生被分派為使用「Gather Town虛擬教室輔以拼圖法」的實驗組;另一班24名學生被分派為使用傳統教師講述法的控制組,以探討使用「Gather Town虛擬教室輔以拼圖法」進行Scratch程式設計學習,在學習成效、運算思維,以及學習態度上是否顯著優於傳統教師講述法。此外,也透過半結構深度訪談探討兩組學習者的學習經驗與感受。
    研究結果發現,採用「Gather Town虛擬教室輔以拼圖法」進行Scratch程式設計學習的實驗組學習者,在學習成效與學習態度上均顯著優於採用傳統教師講述法。在運算思維上,則兩組學習者沒有達到統計上的顯著差異,但採用這兩種學習模式進行Scratch程式設計學習,皆能有效促進運算思維能力的提升。此外,訪談資料分析結果顯示,使用「Gather Town虛擬教室輔以拼圖法」進行Scratch程式設計學習,能克服COVID-19疫情的限制,達成良好的合作學習成效,並且能有效提升學習者的學習興趣。
    最後基於研究結果,本研究提出應用「Gather Town虛擬教室輔以拼圖法」於教學場域的教學建議,以及未來可以進一步探討的研究方向。整體而言,本研究結合Gather Town虛擬教室與拼圖法合作學習,提供一個Scratch程式設計學習之創新有效學習模式,對於促進Scratch程式設計學習具有貢獻。
    Computational thinking (CT) has been considered as an important learning literacy that can be used in learning activity in a wide range of daily life contexts to develop critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills. Therefore, many scholars emphasize its importance to the development of education, and teach primary school students’ computational thinking through block-based coding languages such as Scratch. In the current primary school coding courses, the curriculum was frequently designed by using the traditional teacher lecture in a face-to-face way at a physical classroom, leading to some students relying too much on teacher’s assistance, which not only fails to achieve the teaching goal of promoting computational thinking skills, but also creates a burden on the teacher’s teaching and reduces the teacher’s sense of accomplishment. In addition, since the pandemic of COVID-19 happen since 2020, online learning has become the most important way for students to receive education during the period of epidemic spreading, how to make the best consideration use of the various learning platforms available for online learning is an important issue. Therefore, this study presents a Jigsaw collaborative method with the support of Gather Town virtual classroom to assist Scratch coding learning for primary school’s students, hoping to improve the shortcomings of the traditional teacher lecture and overcome the learning limitations caused by the epidemic, so as to promote the learning performance, computational thinking, and learning attitudes of the learners toward Scratch programming learning.
    With a quasi-experimental research method, a total of 48 G5 students who were recruited from two classes of a public primary school in New Taipei City were selected as the research participants and randomly assigned to the experimental group and control group with different learning methods to learn Scratch coding skills. Among them, 24 students from one class were randomly assigned to the experimental group using the proposed Jigsaw collaborative method with the support of Gather Town virtual classroom to assist Scratch coding learning, while the remaining class with 24 students was assigned to the control group using the traditional teacher lecture to assist Scratch coding learning. This study examined whether the use of the Jigsaw collaborative method with the support of Gather Town virtual classroom to assist Scratch coding learning is significantly better than the traditional teacher lecture in terms of learning performance, computational thinking, and learning attitudes.
    Analytical results show that the learners in the experimental group using the Jigsaw collaborative method with the support of Gather Town virtual classroom to assist Scratch coding learning had significantly better learning performance and learning attitudes than the control group using the traditional teacher lecture. However, there is no statistically significant difference in computational thinking, but the use of these two learning modes for Scratch coding learning are effective in promoting computational thinking skills. In addition, the analysis of the interview data shows that the use of the Jigsaw collaborative method with the support of Gather Town virtual classroom to assist Scratch coding learning could overcome the limitations of the COVID-19 epidemic, achieve good collaborative learning performance, and is effective in promoting learners’ learning interests.
    Based on the research results of this study, this research proposes several teaching suggestions for applying Jigsaw collaborative method with the support of Gather Town virtual classroom in the coding teaching field, and draws several valuable research directions for further investigation. In conclusion, this study successfully combines the Gather Town virtual classroom and Jigsaw collaborative method to propose an innovative and effective learning model for Scratch coding learning, which can contribute to the promotion of coding learning.
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