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    Title: 影響者行銷對消費者行為之影響: 以品牌內容實用性、可信度、模仿性為中介
    The Effects of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Behavior: The Mediating Roles of Usefulness, Credibility, and Mimicry
    Authors: 王姸方
    Wang, Yen-Fang
    Contributors: 陳冠儒
    Chen, Kuan-Ju
    Wang, Yen-Fang
    Keywords: 數位媒體
    Digital media
    Brand content
    Consumer behavior
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:58:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來網際網路日益普及,而隨著網路的快速進步,品牌制定行銷企劃時採用數位媒體以及與影響者合作的策略方式也隨之增加。本研究之目的欲探討消費者分別在瀏覽品牌於數位媒體上的內容,或是瀏覽品牌與影響者合作的內容時,品牌內容的哪些特點與消費者心理會扮演著中介角色來影響消費者決策過程。根據文獻探討,本研究選定實用性與可性度作為品牌內容的變數、模仿性作為消費者心理的變數。而受影響的消費者行為則以採納資訊、購買意願、口碑分享作為探討變數。
    研究對象以18-49歲受測者為目標族群,採量化研究之問卷調查法,並經由台灣人擁有社群帳號比例較高之平台LINE, Instagram, Facebook及Dcard進行問卷發放,最終獲得266份有效問卷。研究結果發現品牌內容之實用性、可信度,在數位媒體與消費者行為之採納資訊、購買意願、口碑分享的關係間皆存在中介效果。品牌內容之實用性、消費者心理之模仿性,在影響者行銷與消費者行為之採納資訊、購買意願、口碑分享的關係間皆存在中介效果。
    根據研究結果,品牌商若以品牌內容發佈之數位媒體作為行銷關鍵因素時,可藉由加強品牌內容之實用性及可信度,來提升消費者對品牌的正面態度及購買行為; 而若以品牌合作之影響者作為行銷關鍵因素時,則需加強品牌內容之實用性,並注意合作之影響者是否具備足夠強大之模仿效應,藉此提升消費者的購買意願。
    With the advancement of digital environment, marketers have become imperative to adopt digital media and collaborate with influencers for designing marketing strategies. Considering that, the purposes of this study are to examine the effects of influencer marketing on consumer behavior, specifically the mediating roles of usefulness, credibility, and mimicry.
    A survey research method targeting consumers at the age between 18 and 49 was employed. The survey questionnaire was distributed by LINE, Instagram, Facebook and Dcard which are the popular social media platforms in Taiwan. The results (N=266) showed that two characteristics of brand content, including usefulness and credibility, had significant mediating effects in the relationships between digital media platforms and consumer behavior. In addition, the characteristic of brand content, usefulness, and the characteristic of consumer psychology, mimicry, had significant mediating effects in the relationships between influencers and consumer behavior.
    According to the results, this study provides suggestions for brands or corporates to develop useful and credible brand content when considering digital media platforms as the key channel for marketing communication strategies. At the meanwhile, it is important to leverage consumers’ desire for mimicry when collaborating with influencers.
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