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    Title: 遊戲產業影響者行銷策略探討—以 Garena 天涯明月刀 M 為例
    Influencer Marketing in the Gaming Industry:A Case Study of the Garena Moonlight Blade Mobile
    Authors: 黃奕懷
    Huang, I-Huai
    Contributors: 陳冠儒
    Huang, I-Huai
    Keywords: 遊戲產業
    Gaming Industry
    Key Opinion Leader
    Influencer Marketing
    Marketing Funnel
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:57:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣遊戲產業近年來持續蓬勃發展,2020年台灣網路滲透率達86%,智慧型手機滲透率更高達97%,2020年台灣玩家數就高達1,450萬,台灣手遊營收更是排行全球第7名,其中遊戲收入排行榜前10名與KOL總聲量具有正關聯性,對於遊戲產業來說KOL操作極為重要,遊戲代理商如何透過KOL操作來使遊戲行銷發揮最大行銷效益,即成了一門學問之道。
    本研究主要貢獻在於,藉由探討及分析《天涯明月刀M》在KOL行銷策略上的應用,拆分用戶旅程且以RACE做為架構,並細分關鍵意見領袖為: 代言人、符合產品定位的遊戲實況主、其他渠道知名KOL,探討不同KOL在行銷執行上的差異,如何針對不同目標受眾差異化行銷,提供遊戲產業未來在發行遊戲時,有一套完整的KOL操作行銷指南,有效率的進行規畫並安排合作內容整合其他行銷渠道以發揮KOL行銷的最大綜效。
    Taiwan`s gaming industry has continued to grow in recent years. In 2020, the Internet penetration rate in Taiwan was 86%, and the penetration rate of smartphone was 97%. The number of players in Taiwan was 14.5 million, and Taiwan`s mobile game revenue ranks 7th in the world, top 10 game revenue rankings have a positive correlation with the total KOL. For the hardcore games, KOL marketing is more important. How can game company use KOL influencer marketing to make game marketing hype, maximizing marketing benefits, that is a way of learning.
    Therefore, this research uses the marketing funnel RACE as the main theoretical framework to explore how gamers are influenced by key opinion leaders in different stages of the user journey. This research will further take "Garena Moonlight Blade Mobile" as the case study object and explore how game industry can make good use of KOL influencer marketing strategies to optimize the game`s pre-registration and post-launch marketing plans. The main contribution of this research is by analyzing the influencer marketing of "Moonlight Blade Mobile", divided the user journey into different stage based on the RACE structure, and the key opinion leaders are subdivided into game spokesperson, hardcore gaming streamer, KOL from other channels, discuss how to achieve differentiated marketing for different target audiences, and provide a comprehensive influencer marketing guideline when the game company launched games in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363009
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200862
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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