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Title: | 台灣人個人與社會取向自我觀對其道德觀之影響 Study of how individual and social oriented self-views affect Taiwanese moral principle |
Authors: | 彭韡 Peng, Wei |
Contributors: | 黃傳永 傅如馨 Huang, Chuan-Yung Fu, Ju-Hsin 彭韡 Peng, Wei |
Keywords: | 自我觀 道德基礎理論 Self-view Moral Foundation Theory |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:55:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 道德觀是人們在社會生活中,用以衡量是非對錯的準繩,不僅影響個體對政治議題的判斷,也體現在人們身處於世,如何評價自己與他人的行為表現。自我觀則是一個人如何看待自己以及自己與社會間的互動關係。是故,一個個體的道德觀,有很大的程度會受其自我觀影響。 隨著全球化、自由化、民主化,過去數十年間台灣的社會環境有了重大的轉變,學者們認為,台灣人的與社會間的互動關係,從傳統農業社會的集體導向,變成揉雜了同時帶有西方工商社會色彩,以及傳統東方農業社會色彩的雙文化取向。 為了研究當代台灣人的自我觀與道德觀,本研究募集了474位受試者,蒐集年齡、性別、政治傾向、國家認同、宗教背景及教育程度等基本資料,並進行個人/社會取向自我觀及道德基本原則量表的施測。迴歸分析的結果顯示,個體對不同道德基本原則的態度,會受到不同自我觀的影響,政治傾向是預測個體的自我觀、道德觀最佳的指標,年齡雖然無法用以作為區辨個體在自我觀上的傾向,卻同樣對預測個體的道德觀有顯著的貢獻。 Morality is the criterion individual used to distinguish right from wrong in social life, it not only affects individuals’ position on political issues, but also how individual evaluate their own and others’ behavior. Self-view is how a person sees himself/herself and the interactions between himself/herself and the society. Thus, an individual’s morality is often affected by its self-view. With globalization, liberalization, and democratization, Taiwan has undergone significant changes in the past few decades. Scholars believe that the interaction within Taiwanese society has changed from the collective orientation of the traditional agricultural society to a dual cultural orientation with the western industrial and commercial society and the traditional eastern agricultural society. In order to study the self-view and morality of contemporary Taiwanese, this study recruited 474 subjects, collected basic information such as age, gender, political inclination, national identity, religion and education level, and examined with Individual/Social Orientation Self-View Questionnaire, and the Moral Foundations Questionnaire. The results of regression analysis show that individuals` attitudes towards different moral foundation will be affected by different dimension of self- views. Political inclination is the best indicator for predicting an individual`s self-view and morality. Although age cannot be used to distinguish whether an individual’s self- view is more individual-oriented or social oriented. However, it makes a significant contribution to predicting an individual`s morality. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 輔導與諮商碩士學位學程 107172009 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200742 |
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