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    Title: 組織導入設計思考走向以服務為主導邏輯的創新歷程:組織慣性與自主調適的平衡
    The Innovation Process of Organizations Introduce Design Thinking to Service- Dominant Logic: The Balance Between Organizational Inertia and Autonomous Adjustment
    Authors: 胡存雅
    HU, Tsun-Ya
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    HU, Tsun-Ya
    Keywords: 服務主導邏輯
    Service dominant logic
    Design thinking
    Organizational inertia
    Organizational self-adjustment
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:52:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著消費型態的轉變以及服務價值的彰顯,過往的商品主導邏輯受到了根本
    性的挑戰。面對外在經營環境的劇烈變動,企業逐步走向服務主導邏輯的世界 觀,重新探討價值、服務及顧客的真正意涵及角色定位,同時關注其串接資 源、互動歷程之下所形成的價值體系。回顧過去文獻,在既有的策略理論中, 強調如何透過由利害關係人所形成的價值網絡,也就是依據問題所連結而成網 絡關係,進而建構價值的生態體系(value ecosystem)或稱之為價值網(value net)來探討後續整合彼此專業與貢獻進而達到價值共創(Ramaswamy & Gouillart, 2010; Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004)。然而在這其中,大部分的討論仍 然落在企業與外部夥伴如供應商、顧客及其他社群的互動與連結所形成的價值 共創。鮮少探討企業內部本身面對從過往商品製造邏輯,在導入設計思考後逐 步走向服務主導邏輯創新歷程。本研究透過質性的對比個案研究法與半結構式 深度訪談法,深入理解個案 A 公司在導入設計思考過程中面對的組織慣性阻力 並根據對比視角,原生就立基於服務價值之上且奉行設計思考的個案 B 公司從 中梳理出執行作法上的脈絡,並根據公司自身的組織特性轉譯調適出合適的做 法,藉此協助組織走向以服務為核心的樣態且將設計思考的思維根植於企業的 日常運作之中。最終本研究藉由剖析與彙整對比個案企業之間執行的細節及相 關的企業文化建立與組織設計,找到可以協助突破推行困境的機會點與方式, 透過這樣的框架有助於釐清辨別組織在導入設計思考的創新歷程中可能必須面 對的組織慣性阻力與自主調適解套的機會點。
    Along with the changing patterns of consumption and the demonstration of service value, the previous good-dominant logic has been fundamentally challenged. Facing the drastic changes in the external business environment, enterprises gradually move towards a world view of service- dominant logic, re-discuss the true meaning and role positioning of value, service and customers, and at the same time focus on value system formed by their concatenated resources and interactive process. . Reviewing the literature in the past, in the existing strategy theories, it emphasized how to construct a value ecosystem or value ecosystem through a value network formed by stakeholders, that is, a network relationship based on the connection of problems. So then explore the subsequent integration of mutual expertise and contributions to achieve value co-creation (Ramaswamy & Gouillart, 2010; Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004). However, most of the discussion still falls on the value co-creation formed by the interaction and connection between enterprises and external partners such as suppliers, customers and other communities. Rarely discussed that the enterprise itself faces the innovation process from the past good manufacturing logic, after introducing design thinking, to the service- dominant logic innovation process. Through qualitative comparative case study method and semi-structured in-depth interview method, this research deeply understands the organizational inertia resistance faced by case a company in the process of introducing design thinking. The design thinking case Company B sorts out the context of its execution practices, and translates, then adjusts appropriate practices according to the company`s own organizational characteristics, thereby helping the organization to move towards a service-centered state and rooting design thinking mindset in the enterprise in daily operations. Finally, this study finds opportunities and methods that can help break through the implementation dilemma by analyzing and compiling the details of the implementation between the comparison case companies and the related corporate culture establishment and organizational design. In the innovation process of design thinking, it may have to face the resistance of organizational inertia and the opportunity of self-adjustment and solution.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364113
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200982
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