題名: | 玩家人格特質對遊戲表情符號的使用動機、人際知覺之影響——以《英雄聯盟》為例 The influence of player personality traits on the motivation and interpersonal perception of game emotes——Taking "League of Legends"as an example |
作者: | 何偉鵬 He, Wei-Peng |
貢獻者: | 林日璇 李蔡彥 Lin, Jih-Hsuan Li, Tsai-Yen 何偉鵬 He, Wei-Peng |
關鍵詞: | 英雄聯盟 表情符號 情緒類型 人格特質 使用動機 人際知覺 網路巨魔 League of Legends Emotional symbols Emotion type Personality traits Motivation Interpersonal perception Internet trolls |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-08-01 18:50:08 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 遊戲表情符號(game emotes)在缺乏文字語言環境的競技類網路遊戲中扮演著玩家之間交流的重要渠道。近年來,許多遊戲玩家不乏在網路上爭論因與敵對關係玩家的表情符號互動後被激怒,導致負面情緒,甚至放棄遊戲,但眾說紛紜。有研究表明這可能是一種網路巨魔(trolling)行為(Arjoranta & Siitonen, 2018; Cook et al., 2019)。本研究受此啟發,基於五因素人格特質,表情符號使用動機及刻板印象內容模型(人際知覺)的理論基礎上,對此現象進行初探。
本研究認為不同人格特質的玩家在對遊戲表情符號的使用與知覺層面上會有所不同,並以熱門多人線上戰鬥競技場遊戲《英雄聯盟》(League of Legends)的遊戲表情符號系統為例,對遊戲表情符號系統進行初探。提出2(情境類型:積極/消極)x6(六種情緒類型表情符號:厭惡、愉快、憤怒、害怕、悲傷、驚訝)的實驗,以此來觀察受試者不同人格特質在不同情境類型下,對不同情緒類型表情符號的人際知覺有何差異(熱情/能力)。根據研究結果顯示,(1)在使用層面研究:玩家親和力得分越高,在遊戲表情符號使用動機的「表達情緒」、「娛樂趣味」動機性越高,但人格特質無法預測玩家利用表情符號進行「嘲諷譏刺」的行為。外向性偏好表達【厭惡】、【憤怒】的情緒;親和力偏好表達【愉快】、【驚訝】的情緒;神經質偏好表達【厭惡】、【憤怒】、【害怕】、【悲傷】的情緒,而自覺性、開放性則與表達情緒類型偏好無顯著關聯。(2)在表情符號人際知覺層面研究:首先,在相同情境中,不同情緒類型的表情符號對人際知覺評價(熱情/能力)會有所差異。然後,遊戲情境的不同會調節部分不同情緒類型的表情符號人際知覺評價,總體而言,在積極情境中玩家會給予高熱情低能力的評價,而消極情境中則會給予低熱情高能力低評價。最後,在消極情境中,外向性對【害怕】表情的熱情、能力維度評價會有顯著影響,親和力,神經質對【愉快】熱情維度評價會有顯著影響;自覺性、開放性在不受情境類型交互作用的影響下,對【驚訝】表情有主效果的顯著影響。 Game emotes are an important channel of communication between players in competitive online games that lack a textual language environment. In recent years, many gamers have argued on the Internet about being angered by the interaction of emoticons with rival players, resulting in negative emotions and even abandoning the game, but there are different opinions. Some studies suggest that this may be a form of internet trolling (Arjoranta & Siitonen, 2018; Cook et al., 2019). This study was inspired by the theoretical basis of the five-factor approach to personality traits, emotoes use motivation, and stereotypical content model (interpersonal perception) to investigate this phenomenon.
This study considers that players with different personality traits differ in their use and perception of game emojis, and uses the game emotes system of the popular multiplayer online battle arena game, League of Legends, as an example. A 2 (context type: positive/negative) x 6 (six emotion types: disgust, joy, anger, fear, sadness, surprise) experiment was conducted to observe the differences in interpersonal perceptions of different emotion types (passion/competence) across different context types for different personality traits. According to the results of the study, (1) at the use motivation level, the higher the player`s agreeableness score, the higher the motivation of "expressing emotion" and "entertaining" in the use of game emoticons, but the personality traits could not predict the players` "mocking and sarcastic" behavior with emoticons. Extraversion preferred to express emotions of disgust and anger; affinity preferred to express emotions of joy and surprise; and neuroticism preferred to express emotions of disgust, anger, fear, and sadness, while conscientiousness and openness were not significantly associated with the preference of emotion expression types. (2) Research on the interpersonal perception of emoticons: First, the interpersonal perception evaluation (warmth/competence) of emoticons differed among emotion types in the same context. In general, players rated high enthusiasm and low ability in positive situations and low enthusiasm and high ability in negative situations. Finally, in the negative context, extraversion had a significant effect on the evaluation of the passion and ability dimensions of fear expressions, affinity, and neuroticism had a significant effect on the evaluation of the passion dimension of joy; conscientiousness and openness had a significant effect on the main effect of surprise expressions independent of the interaction of context types. |
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資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108462017 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201086 |
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