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    Title: 人工智慧虛擬代理人的社會角色與能力表現對人機互動中信任之影響
    The Effects of AI-Based Agent`s Social Roles and Performance on Trust in Human-Agent Interaction
    Authors: 韓舒容
    Han, Shu-Jung
    Contributors: 陳宜秀

    Chen, Yihsiu
    Chien, Shih-Yi

    Han, Shu-Jung
    Keywords: 人機互動
    Human-Agent Interaction
    AI Agent
    Social Roles
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:49:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著人工智慧系統 (AI) 快速的發展,人機互動之間的信任問題日趨受到重視。近年來人工智慧技術也被廣泛應用於產品與服務當中,並時常以虛擬代理人 (Agent) 的形象出現與人們互動。然而,基於虛擬代理人的角色形塑,人們也開始會對人工智慧虛擬代理人投射社會性的期待。因此,本研究想藉此探討除了非社會性的因子——人工智慧的能力表現外,社會性的角色及地位是否會影響人機互動之間的信任。本研究採 3 (社會角色) x 2 (能力表現) 組間設計實驗,並自行設計一個人臉年齡辨識合作任務來了解兩因素對信任的影響。研究結果顯示,兩因素對於人機互動的信任都有影響。不過當人工智慧虛擬代理人擁有較高的角色地位時,其角色地位會幫助消弭代理人表現不佳對於信任的影響。我們期待透過本研究成果可以凸顯出社會性因素對人機互動的影響,並期待能為往後人工智慧互動設計提供參考。
    Studies show that trust in systems can impact human-computer interaction, which has become an increasingly important topic due to the rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As capabilities of AI are often presented in the form of an "agent" (e.g., chatbots or robots), this leads to the question of whether social qualities, such as roles and statuses, will influence human trust and interaction with these agents, in addition to non-social properties such as performance. This paper presents the results of an experiment with two independent variables, perceived social roles and performance, conducted to investigate their effects on trust in AI-based agents in a collaborative task. Results show that they both impact trust in human-agent interaction. However, the high social status of an agent can mitigate the influence of its performance on trust. The results highlight the importance of social-psychological factors in the future design and development of AI-based agents.
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