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Title: | 運算思維研究熱點與前沿之可視化分析 Visualization Analysis of Research Hotspots and Fronts of Computational Thinking |
Authors: | 剛慶嚴 KANG, CHING-YEN |
Contributors: | 郭昭佑 陳景花 GUO, ZHAO-YOU CHEN, JING-HUA 剛慶嚴 KANG, CHING-YEN |
Keywords: | 運算思維 可視化分析 CiteSpace 知識基礎 研究熱點 研究前沿 computational thinking visual analytics CiteSpace knowledge base research hotspot research front |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:47:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「工業4.0時代,已是物聯網與機器人的天下」運算思維相關研究發展至今已有數年,資訊科技的演進日新月異,幾乎人人皆有智慧型手機的現代,數位產品發展與相關新興議題仍舊不停地推陳出新;以至於現今教育所教導之知識內容,當學生畢業踏出校園而擁抱世界之後,其所習得之學識涵養是否依然學以致用?教育方向需要大刀闊斧改革,因為面臨多變的未來,每個人應具備哪些關鍵的能力?方是教育百年大計,目標嚮往之所在。 本研究採用Scopus索引摘要資料庫做為引用文獻資料來源,以「education AND "computational thinking" AND ( method or skill )」進行檢索,資料類型限縮「會議論文(Conference Paper)」與「期刊論文(Article)」,不限年份於「主題(topic)」欄位(檢索範圍包含標題、摘要、關鍵詞)進行檢索,獲得文獻數量總計1,610篇。將資料匯入CiteSpace運算繪製文獻共被引視圖,探索運算思維研究之知識基礎;以關鍵詞共現及聚類圖譜挖掘研究熱點;以關鍵詞共現時區視圖分析運算思維研究之演進脈絡;最後採突發性探測方法,取得高突發性文獻和高突現性關鍵詞,揭開運算思維之研究前沿。 研究結果發現,運算思維研究文獻同時擁有高頻次、高中介中心性與Sigma值之作者代表為:Grover(2013)、Lye(2014)、Shute(2017);文獻共被引分析13個有效聚類包括:「可擴展的遊戲設計」、「師資培育」、「初級區塊編程」、「運算思維」、「數學教學」、「增強運算思維」、「學習進程」、「擴大參與」、「計算機科學IEEE計算機協會」、「專題網站」、「高中學生」、「新一代科學標準」與「程式設計課程」為運算思維研究領域文獻之知識基礎。 高頻次及高中心性之關鍵詞:「運算思維」、「學生」、「教育」、「工程教育」、「計算機程式設計」以及「問題解決」;關鍵詞共現分析十一個有效聚類包含:「計算機科學」、「運算思維」、「教育機器人」、「教育」、「計算生物學」、「計算機教育」、「程式設計」、「學生」、「傾向分數」、「計算機程式設計」以及「K12教育」為研究熱點。 Shute, Sun和Asbell-Clarke(2017)探討教育中不斷發展的運算思維領域之研究文獻至今仍持續突現,為研究前沿之一;「小學教育」、「學習系統」與「STEM教育」三個關鍵詞突現期延續至今,即為本研究領域之研究前沿。 “The Internet of Things and robots dominate the era of Industry 4.0.” R&Ds with respect to computational thinking has been conducted for several years. As evolution of information technology receive great leaps in progress, almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and the development of digital products and related emerging issues surface every now and then; this hence has aroused a question, “can the students apply the knowledge and cultivation they have acquired under the modern education in their career when the graduate and step out of the campus to embrace the world?” The orientation of education require radical reformation since the key capabilities that everyone should possess remain unpredictable in the face of a volatile future, and such orientation shall be the goal to yearn for in the fundamental tasks to realize education for the generations to come. This study adopts the Scopus index abstract database as the source of citation and reference, at which a total of 1,610 articles have been found in searches of “education AND ‘computational thinking’ AND ( method or skill )” via “topic” field (the search scope includes title, abstract, and keywords), applied with filters including data types limited to “Conference Paper” and “Article” at all years. The data found are imported to CiteSpace for computing and drawing a document co-citation view to explore the knowledge base of computational thinking researches, followed by discovery of research hotspots with keyword co-occurrence and clustering graphs as well as analysis on the evolution of computational thinking researches with keyword co-occurrence time zone view before the final employment of emergent detection to obtain highly emergent literature and keywords so as to uncover the research front of computational thinking. The study results indicate that the research literature on computational thinking with high frequency, high betweenness centrality and Sigma value are the ones from authors Grover(2013), Lye(2014), and Shute(2017). The 13 effective clusters for co-citation analysis of literatures include “scalable game design”, “teacher education”, “introductory block-based programming”, “computational thinking”, “teaching mathematics”, “enhancing computational thinking”, “learning progression”, “broadening participation”, “computer science ieee computer”, “project website”, “high school student”, “next generation science standard” and “programming course” as the knowledge bases for literature in the field of computational thinking researches. Keywords with high frequency and high centrality include “computational thinking”, “student”, “education”, “engineering education”, “computer programming” and “problem solving”; the 11 effective clusters of keyword co-occurrence analysis are “computer science”, “computational thinking”, “educational robotics”, “education”, “computational biology”, “computing education”, “programming”, “student”, “propensity score”, “computer programming” and “k12” education”, which serve as research hotspots. The research literature on the evolving field of computational thinking in education by Shute, Sun and Asbell-Clarke (2017) continues to emerge and is one of the research fronts; three keywords “elementary education”, “learning system” and “stem education” contain the emergence period proceeding to this date and are the research fronts of this research field. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 107911006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107911006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201019 |
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