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    Title: 習近平時代的宗教政策 ——以韓國基督教傳教士為例
    Xi Jinping`s Religious Policy – The case of Korean Christian Missionaries
    Authors: 白禧尹
    Baek, Hee Yun
    Contributors: 王 韻
    Wang Yun
    Baek, Hee Yun
    Keywords: 習近平時代
    Xi Jinping era
    Chines religion policy
    Chinese Christianity
    Korean Missionaries
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:45:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究透過韓國基督教傳教士的事例,探討習近平的宗教政策對韓國傳教士產生的影響如何。中國共產黨自建國以來,對宗教一直堅持統一戰線戰略的觀點,並實行着這一政策。但是習近平執政後出現的宗教政策,比之前中國領導人實行的政策更加細緻和強化,特別是習近平對基督教的管理也比任何時候都更為加強。因爲基督教是近代從外國傳入的宗教,外國傳教士對本土教會的影響特別凸出,因此,通過新的外國人管理法律、以及透過修改宗教事務條例、合併統戰部下屬機關、強化宗教中國化等措施來實現強化管理。透過被分類爲外來宗教的基督教實行的政策,可以更加明確地觀察到。因此,筆者想透過習近平時期,韓國傳教士被驅逐的原因是什麼來分析習近平宗教政策的特徵與策略。
    根據訪談內容,韓國傳教士被驅逐的最大原因是中國內部因素。尤其是習近平執 政後,關於宗教政策改變成更細緻化、更具體化的法律,對宗教管理加強黨的領導力。認為基 督教是外部勢力干涉中國的渠道,因此開始更加嚴格的管理。由此可見,習近平追求中國社會封閉性的意圖,造成驅逐外國傳教士的決定,尤其,對驅逐人數最多,且地區較近的這些韓國傳教士產生了決定性的影響。
    This study studied how Xi Jinping`s religious policy affected Korean missionaries. Since the founding of the country, the Chinese Communist Party has maintained the perspective of unified front strategy on religion and has implemented the policy accordingly. However, the religious policies after Xi Jinping`s reign were relatively more elaborated and intensified than those implemented by previous Chinese leaders. In particular, Xi Jinping`s pressure on Christianity has also become more intensified than ever. This is because Christianity is seen as a religion introduced from abroad in contemporary China and foreign missionaries remain important to local churches. As a result, missionary management has been further strengthened through introducing new laws on foreigners, revising the religious affairs regulations, promoting the policy of religious Sinicism, and reconstructing the United Front Work Department. In response to this phenomenon, I would like to understand it through analyzing the causes of the deportation of Korean missionaries during Xi Jinping period.
    Although many Koreans live in China and many of them are missionaries, the number of Korean missionaries in China has soared since Xi Jinping took power. This paper analyzes through three propositions: the internal political changes in China, the changes in Korea-ChinaRelations, and, problems within missionaries. This thesis introduced the background through reviewing the literature behind each propositions and analyzed how each factor could actually affect Korean missionaries during Xi Jinping period. In particular, the author interviewed Korean missionaries who left China after personally missioned in China, and based on the interview, the author examined how President Xi`s religious policies were implemented in practice.
    According to the interviews, the biggest reason for the expulsion of Korean missionaries was from internal factors in China. Especially after Xi Jinping came to power, the religious policy was becoming more detailed and producing more elaborated regulations, which strengthened the party`s leadership on religious affairs management. For believing Christianity was a channel for external forces to intervene China, Xi has begun to managed it more strictly. It can be seen that Xi Jinping`s intention to pursue a closed society accounts for the decision of expelling foreign missionaries, and it has had a decisive impact on the expulsion of Korean missionaries who presented the largest number and from the closest region.
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