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Title: | 幼兒園品質評估指標建構與應用之研究- 以桃園市為例 Research on the Construction and Application of Evaluation Indicators for Preschool Quality-Taking Taoyuan City as an Example |
Authors: | 蔡詩欣 Tsai, Shih-Hsin |
Contributors: | 郭昭佑 Kau, Chao-Yu 蔡詩欣 Tsai, Shih-Hsin |
Keywords: | 幼兒園 品質 評估指標 Preschool Quality Evaluation Indicators |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:42:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的為建構桃園市幼兒園品質評估指標,並以桃園市為例,針對桃園市公立、非營利、準公共及私立幼兒園抽樣300間園所進行指標重要性及表現情形調查。
研究所得結論與建議如下: 一、結論 (一)本研究所建構之幼兒園評估指標共計六構面40個指標。 (二)「幼兒保育」為桃園市幼兒園人員認為最重要及表現最佳之指標構面,不同類型幼兒園所認為之指標重要性及表現情形有所差異。 (三)不同類型幼兒園品質評估指標重要性與表現情形分析(IPA)結果因幼兒園特性而有所差異。 (四) 公立和準公共幼兒園在「課程與教學」構面表現情形差異達顯著;公立與準公共及私立幼兒園在「學習表現」表現情形差異達顯著,惟因自評者效應影響,分析結果未必能代表桃園市不同類型幼兒園之實際表現情形。 二、建議 (一)對教育行政機關之建議 1、參考本研究建構之品質評估指標擬定幼兒園品質評估機制。 2、可參酌美國 QRIS 品質評估機制提供幼兒園診斷建議及支持措施。 3、關注幼兒發展與學習表現並建構合適之幼兒發展與學習評估工具。 4、持續挹注幼兒園經費與資源協助提升品質。 (二)對幼兒園經營者之建議 1、參考本研究所建構之指標適時自評以提升品質。 2、對各類幼兒園共同認為重要性高之品質指標加強關注。 3、兼顧品質指標與構面,加強課程與教學及學習表現構面之表現。 (三)對未來研究之建議 1、幼兒園品質評估指標構面及內容宜持續做適當之更新。 2、幼兒園品質評估指標建構應參酌多方利害關係人意見。 3、可就幼兒園品質表現情形採實地觀察、訪談等多元調查方式以求客觀。 4、針對影響幼兒園品質表現之其它背景變項進行研究。 5、發展合適之幼兒發展與學習評估指標。 The purpose of this research was to construct a quality evaluation index for kindergartens, and take Taoyuan City as an example to investigate the importance and performance of indicators in a sample of 300 public, non-profit, quasi-public and private kindergartens in Taoyuan City.
In addition to emphasizing the quality of structure and process, this study also contained the viewpoint of result quality, focusing on children`s learning development and performance. The research was conducted by a questionnaire survey method. The Fuzzy Delphi Method and Concept mapping expert questionnaires confirmed the content and dimensions of the indicators. The obtained index data was used to conduct a questionnaire survey on the importance and performance of kindergartens in Taoyuan City, and IPA analysis and One-way ANOVA analysis of variance were used to explore whether the performance of various types of kindergartens was different.
The conclusions and recommendations of the study are as follows: 1.Conclusion (1) The kindergarten evaluation index constructed by this research had a total of 40 indicators in six dimensions. (2) "Early child care" was the most important and best-performing indicator aspect considered by Taoyuan City kindergarten staff. The importance and performance of indicators varied in different types of kindergartens. (3) The results of the Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) of different types of kindergarten quality assessment indicators differed according to the characteristics of kindergartens. (4) The performance of public and quasi-public kindergartens in the dimension of "curriculum and teaching" is significantly different; the performance of public and quasi-public and private kindergartens in "learning performance" is significantly different. However, the analysis results may not be representative of the actual performance in different types of kindergartens in Taoyuan City due to the influence of the self-evaluator effect. 2. Suggestion (1) Suggestions to educational administrative agencies A. With reference to the quality assessment indicators constructed in this study, a kindergarten quality assessment mechanism was formulated. B. Kindergarten diagnostic advice and support measures can be provided with reference to the QRIS quality assessment mechanism in the United States. C. Pay attention to early childhood development and learning performance and construct appropriate early childhood development and learning assessment tools. D. Continue to inject funds and resources to help kindergartens improve their quality. (2) Suggestions for kindergarten operators A. Refer to the indicators constructed by this research to self-evaluate in a timely manner to improve the quality. B. Pay more attention to the quality indicators that all kinds of kindergartens consider to be highly important. C. Take the quality indicators and aspects into account, and strengthen the performance of curriculum and teaching and learning performance aspects. (3) Suggestions for future research A. The dimensions and content of the quality assessment indicators for kindergartens should be updated continually and appropriately. B. The construction of kindergarten quality assessment indicators should take into account the opinions of multiple stakeholders. C. Multiple survey methods such as field observation and interview can be used to achieve objectivity in relation to the quality performance of kindergartens. D. Conduct research on other background variables that affect the quality performance of kindergartens. E. Develop appropriate evaluation indicators for early childhood development and learning. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 教育學系 101152511 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101152511 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201057 |
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