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Title: | 新北市女性消防員職場困境之探討 A Study on the Difficulties at Workplace Encountered by Female Firefighters in New Taipei City |
Authors: | 吳詩涵 Wu, Shih-Han |
Contributors: | 成之約 Cheng, Chih-Yu 吳詩涵 Wu, Shih-Han |
Keywords: | 消防 女性 職場困境 Workplace Dilemmas Firefighting Women |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:38:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去因工作性質、體能限制及性別刻板印象的影響下,較少於消防機關看見女性的身影。隨著性別工作平等法的施行,以及行政院大力推動性別主流化,許多以男性為主要人力的行政機關,像是軍方、警察、消防等機關逐漸鬆綁招募人力的性別門檻,愈來愈多女性進入這樣的陽剛職場。本研究以消防工作為例,訪談在這些單位工作的女性,呈現女性進入陽剛職場的經驗與困境,並分析構成這些困境的原因。 本研究以半結構式訪談之方式探討女性消防員於職場中所遭遇的困境,訪談對象以新北市政府消防局女性消防員為主,受訪者共計六名。透過個人的職場經驗瞭解女性於陽剛職場中所面臨的難題,期望能找到解決對策。 本研究發現多數的新北市女性消防人員於職場中所遭遇的困難主要可歸納為「高壓及高危險性的工作環境」、「長時間輪班制度及排休方式導致家庭問題及身心靈等健康狀況不斷」、「執勤人力嚴重不足,超時超量的勤業務永不停歇」、「工作任務分配不均」、「因公受傷或殉職」及「升遷制度仍以男性為主」。 本研究依據研究結果分別對女性消防員及機關提出建議,針對女性消防員建議適時評估自身之工作壓力、培養各類休閒參與的興趣、強化自身專業能力及體能;針對機關建議補足消防人力、改善女性消防人員駐地環境及設備、給予平等的升遷及訓練機會、落實業務專責分工、定期編排職涯輔導課程、暢通上下之間的溝通管道以利彈性調整女性生理期間勤務、加強宣導民眾救災救護資源使用之觀念。 In the past, due to the nature of employment, physical limits, and gender prejudices, female employees were less visible in the fire departments. With the implementation of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and the Executive Yuan`s aggressive promotion of gender mainstreaming, many administrative agencies with male-dominated manpower, including the military, police, firefighting, and other organizations, have steadily eased the gender threshold for recruiting manpower. Therefore, an increasing number of women have been entering this traditionally male-dominated profession. Using firefighting as an example, this research has surveyed women working in these units, highlighted the experience and dilemma of women entering traditionally male-dominated sectors, and investigated the causes of these dilemmas. This study has utilized semi-structured interviews to investigate the occupational challenges faced by female firefighters. Six female firefighters from the Fire Department of the New Taipei City Government were interviewed. Through their personal work experience, it has been anticipated to comprehend the issues women confront in male-dominated workplaces and develop solutions. This study has concluded that the majority of issues faced by female firefighters in New Taipei City may be summarized as "a high-pressure and high-risk working environment," "long-term shift system and scheduling system lead to family problems and physical and mental health conditions," "the manpower on duty is significantly insufficient, and the overtime and overworked situation will never end," "unequal allocation of work assignments," "hurt or killed on the job," and "men still dominate in the promotion system." This study has provided recommendations for female firefighters and government organizations based on its findings. It is recommended that female firefighters promptly review their job pressure, create an interest in a variety of leisure activities, and enhance their professional skills and physical health. It is recommended that government agencies supplement firefighting manpower, improve the residential environment and equipment for female firefighters, provide equal promotion and training opportunities, implement specialized division of work, regularly arrange career counseling courses, provide smooth communication channels at upper and lower levels to facilitate the flexible adjustment of women`s menstrual periods, and strengthen the publicity of the concept of the use of disaster relief and rescue resources among the people. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921057 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921057 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200928 |
Appears in Collections: | [Master for Eminent Public Administrators] Theses
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