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Title: | 我國警察機關督察人員工作困境之研究-以新北市政府警察局督察人員為例 The Study of Work Difficulties among the Police Agency Inspectors:The Case of New Taipei City Police Department |
Authors: | 李錦芳 Lee, Chin-Fang |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei-Chun 李錦芳 Lee, Chin-Fang |
Keywords: | 警察機關 督察人員 工作困境 因應策略 Police agency Inspector Work difficulties Coping strategies |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:37:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 身為我國執法單位,警察勤務缺失及風紀問題是社會上備受關注的焦點,若有員警負面行為發生時,便會受到各大媒體的矚目以及在社群媒體上引起網路輿論,而督察人員身為警察中的警察,負有管理警察同仁的責任,必須深入考核,提早發現問題員警,並加以輔導改正,否則將會被指責為監督不周。因此本研究旨在了解督察人員在警察機關中的工作經驗及現況,探討工作困境與其因應策略,並針對警政機關及督察人員提出相關研究建議。 本研究採質性方式,以立意取樣與滾雪球抽樣綜合的方式,從新北市政府警察局所屬16個分局中,依轄區繁重程度(繁重、較重、單純)、官職、性別及從警資歷等面向,共選擇8位督察人員做為訪談對象,並以半結構式訪談進行資料蒐集。 研究發現督察人員普遍處在高工時及業務繁雜的工作環境下,導致留任意願低落;而又因為角色定位不明確、無法專心於督察工作,造成無法協助員警意見發聲;加上督導績效與風紀績效的矛盾,使督察人員的工作投入無法如實呈現在績效數字上;最後則是在風紀案件偵辦上不具主導權,而無法獨立偵辦案件。 本研究建議警政機關應提高督察工作誘因及人員序列,且將關懷與督導的角色分立,同時精簡督察人員業務並修改績效評比制度,並建立督察的專業化及獨立性;在督察人員自我方面,應提升溝通技巧、強化專業之能並發展紓壓管道,進而完善發揮督察功能。 As a law enforcement agency in our country, the shortage of police duty and discipline are the focus of attention in the society. If there is any negative behavior of the police, it will attract the attention of major media and cause public opinion on social network. Inspectors, as the police among the police, have the responsibility to manage police officers. They must conduct in-depth assessments, identify problematic police officers, and provide guidance and corrections. Otherwise, they will be accused of poor supervision. Therefore, by exploring the experience and current situation of inspectors in the police organization, this study aims to understand the difficulties they face and the coping strategies they adopt. And relevant research suggestions are provided for police decision-makers and inspectors. This research adopts a qualitative method. By using a comprehensive method of intentional sampling and snowball sampling, 8 inspectors were selected as interview subjects from 16 sub-bureaus of the New Taipei City Police Department, based on the degree of burden (hard, heavy, simple), rank, gender and police seniority. The data was collected by semi-structured interviews. The study found that inspectors generally stay in a working environment with high working hours and complex business, resulting in low willingness to stay. And because of unclear role positioning and inability to concentrate on inspector work, it is unable to assist the police officers to express their opinions. The contradiction between the performance of supervisory and discipline makes the work input of the inspectors unable to be faithfully shown in the performance figures. In the end, they cannot independently investigate and handle cases as they don’t have the leading power in the investigation of disciplinary cases. This study suggests that police agencies should improve the incentives and ranks of inspectors, separate the roles of care and supervision, streamline the work of inspectors, revise the performance appraisal system, and establish the professionalism and independence of inspectors. As for the inspectors, they should improve communication skills, strengthen professional ability and develop the way to relieve stress, so as to improve the function of inspectors. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921026 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921026 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201115 |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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