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    Title: 影響跨部門專業組織工作績效因素之研究:以菸酒聯合稽查及取締小組為例
    Factors Affecting the Performance of a Cross-departmental Professional Organization:the Case of the Joint Taskforce for Inspection and Banning Tobacco and Alcohol
    Authors: 簡紅玉
    Chien, Hung-Yu
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Huang, Tong-Yi
    Chien, Hung-Yu
    Keywords: 轉換型領導
    transformational leadership
    group trust
    professional commitment
    audit teams
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:37:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為了解決日益複雜的社會問題,政府內部相關跨部門專案小組的數量不斷增加。因此,影響專案小組工作績效的因素,值得吾人深入予以研究。本研究以財政部菸酒聯合稽查及取締小組為例,探討轉換型領導、團體信任、專業承諾與該小組工作績效的關係。

    針對北部地區海巡署、保三總隊、縣市警察局、財政部關務署海關等單位共約400名實際參與查緝走私業務的人員,本研究於2022年4月1日至同年4月20日之間進行問卷施測。問卷總計回收332份,剔除無效問卷15份,有效問卷317份,回收問卷有效率95.48 %。針對有效問卷,本研究利用SPSS以及JASP統計軟體進行統計分析。


    In order to solve increasingly complex social problems, the number of relevant inter-departmental task forces within the government is increasing. Therefore, the factors that affect the work performance of the task force are worthy of our in-depth study. This study takes the Ministry of Finance`s tobacco and alcohol joint inspection and ban group as an example to explore the relationship between transformational leadership, group trust, professional commitment and the group`s work performance.

    Aiming at about 400 personnel who actually participated in the investigation and arrest of smuggling from the Northern Region Coast Guard, Baosan Corps, County and City Police Stations, Customs Administration of the Ministry of Finance and other units, this study was conducted from April1, 2022 to April 20 of the same year. Questionnaires were administered during the day. A total of 332 questionnaires were recovered, 15 invalid questionnaires were excluded, 317 were valid questionnaires, and the recovery rate was 95.48%. For valid questionnaires, this study uses SPSS and JASP statistical software for statistical analysis.

    The main findings of this study are as follows:
    1.Transformational leadership, group trust, and professional commitment significantly impact audit team performance. In terms of influence size, transformational leaders had the greatest influence, followed by group trust and least professional commitment.
    2.Transformational leadership not only directly affects the work performance of the group, but also indirectly affects the work performance of the group through the intermediary variable of professional commitment. Group trust directly affects the work performance of the group, and also indirectly affects the work performance of the group through the mediating variable of professional commitment.
    3. In terms of moderating effect, age positively moderates the relationship between transformational leadership and professional commitment. The positive relationship between transformational leadership and job performance, the positive relationship between transformational leadership and professional commitment, and the positive relationship between professional commitment and job performance will all show a slightly weakened phenomenon with the lengthening of team members’working years.

    According to empirical research findings, this research puts forward the following management implications and practical suggestions:1. Decision makers must carefully select field commanders with “sufficient leadership skills”. 2.Managers and team members gradually cultivate a sense of group trust from their work. 3.Under the premise of taking into account the two factors of incentive and trust, it is recommended that managers design a set of integrated information windows.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921017
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201065
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