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Title: | 從資料治理看政府數位轉型: 以聊天機器人在政府部門之應用為例 A Study of Government Digital Transformation from Data Governance Perspective : Using Government Chatbots Applications as An Example |
Authors: | 許博雅 Hsu, Bo-Ya |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen,Don-yun 許博雅 Hsu, Bo-Ya |
Keywords: | 政府數位轉型 數位治理 人工智慧 智能機器人 智能客服 Government digital transformation Digital governance Artificial intelligence Intelligent robots Intelligent conversational agents |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:34:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來不論政府或民間企業皆積極投入數位轉型,強調透過數位科技的應用,例如大數據、人工智慧、區塊鏈等,改變業務處理流程提升工作效率、發展以使用者為中心的產品或服務,創造更大的價值與競爭力。事實上,政府欲達成數位轉型,邁向智慧政府,資料治理工作到位與否為重要關鍵。
為建構導入聊天機器人服務需考慮的項目,從人力協作面、資料處理面及系統應用面進行研究,為建構導入聊天機器人服務需考慮的項目,期望作為政府數位服務執行資料治理的參考,透過系統性的評估與檢視,進而提升聊天機器人服務效益。 In recent years, both governments and private enterprises have been actively investing in digital transformation, emphasizing the applications of digital technologies including big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to transform business processes, improve efficiency, and develop user-centered products or services to create greater value and competitiveness. In fact, if the government intends to achieve digital transformation and move towards a smart government, it is crucial to have data governance in place.
The scope of data governance ranges from the management of data across government departments to the operation of each government service. In order to understand the current situation of government data governance, this study adopts a case study approach focusing on the recent emphasis on chatbots through studying three tax agencies that have already been using chatbots. The case studies were conducted in the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area, Ministry of Finance, the Local Tax Bureau of Taichung City Government and the Department of Taxation of Taoyuan City Government. Through in-depth interviews and documentary analysis, the key factors of digital service implementation, data governance process, and chatbot operation in government agencies were explored.
The study found that there are four main phenomena regarding the current use of chatbots by tax agencies. First, the agencies choose to purchase the manufacturers’ public domain software and rent the manufacturers’ cloud platform in consideration of funding and time; second, they import chatbots as individual projects without considering the overall data governance structure of the agencies; third, they position chatbots to answer simple and highly repetitive questions, lacking data analysis and applications; and finally, the agencies do not actively collect user feedback, which affects the optimization of chatbots’ functions.
The items to be considered for the construction of chatbot service implementation are examined in terms of personnel collaboration, data processing, and system application. It is expected that these items will serve as a reference for data governance in the implementation of government digital services. It is also hoped that the effectiveness of chatbot services will be further enhanced through systematic evaluations and reviews. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921014 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200991 |
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