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    Title: 1985諮詢服務專線對組織溝通滿意度及組織承諾的影響
    A Study of the Impact of 1985 Service Line on Organizational Communication Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
    Authors: 李佩璇
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Keywords: 1985諮詢服務專線
    Organizational commitment
    1985 Advisory Service Line
    Organizational communication satisfaction
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:34:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國軍為推動申訴制度,促進人權保障,自民國90年即以設置電話專線作為申訴溝通管道,並經數年精進改革後,成為現在的「1985諮詢服務專線」,其作用在於以「積極的態度、客觀的角度」協助官兵及眷屬解決疑難,化解與組織互動間的誤會及對立,其目的即在於提升組織內部之溝通效能,藉以強化官兵對於組織之認同及歸屬,亦即組織承諾,並進而提升官兵留營意願,能安心及放心地繼續為國效力。
    In order to promote the complaint system and the protection of human rights, the National Army has set up a special telephone line as a communication channel for complaints since 2001. After several years of intensive reforms, it has become the current "1985 Advisory Service Line" to help military men and their relatives solve problems, resolve misunderstandings and conflicts between interactions with the organization on the position of positive attitude and objective perspective. Its purpose is to enhance the communication efficiency within the organization, so as to strengthen the recognition and belonging to the organization, that is, the organizational commitment. It will increase the willingness of the military men to stay in the camp, so that they can continue to serve the country with peace of mind.
    This research uses the form of online questionnaires with military personnel as the research object to explore the impact of the "1985 Advisory Service Line" on the organizational communication satisfaction and organizational commitment, and analyze the relationship between organizational communication satisfaction and organizational commitment.
    This study found that the "1985 Advisory Service Line" as a mode of organizational communication can effectively improve organizational communication satisfaction for the members of the organization, and the "1985 Advisory Service Line" can also increase organizational commitment; at the same time, this research confirms that organizational communication satisfaction can positively affect organizational commitment, and "1985 Consulting Service Line" is partly due to the intermediary adjustment of organizational communication satisfaction, which positively affects organizational commitment. Therefore, the "1985 Advisory Service Line" can not only directly increase organizational commitment, but also positively influence organizational commitment by improving organizational communication satisfaction, so that military personnel can recognize the organization’s goals and values, invest in behavior and emotionally generate a mutual-benefit attitude and a sense of belonging to the organization, that is, form a high degree of organizational commitment to the group to which it belongs. The high degree of organizational commitment represents unity, concentricity and staying in the camp, which determines the morale and combat effectiveness of the army.
    Reference: 參考文獻




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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106921114
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200688
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