題名: | 臺灣個人所得漏報之分析-以執行業務者為例 Underreported Income of Taiwanese Individuals – A Study of Professional Practitioner |
作者: | 劉凱軒 Liu, Kai-Hsuan |
貢獻者: | 羅光達 韓幸紋 Lo, Kuang-Ta Han, Hsing-Wen 劉凱軒 Liu, Kai-Hsuan |
關鍵詞: | 執行業務者 短漏報所得 財稅資料庫 Professional Practitioner Underreported Income Administrative Data |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-08-01 18:30:23 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 由近年來的新聞事件與相關研究發現執行業務所得一直存在嚴重的短漏報問題,更造成國家財政收入的重大損失,本研究利用財政部財政資訊中心提供之2011年至2019年綜合所得稅報稅資料結合個人資料與財產相關資料,藉由勞動所得與財富間之關係,並參考直接查核法的概念進行敘述統計與迴歸分析,以了解各類別的執行業務者短漏報所得之程度。在假設一般受僱者與執行業務者的單位勞動所得財富為無差異且薪資所得不存在低估的情況下,顯示國稅局對於執行業務所得的掌握度不高,只有約3成的所得額來自於常規的申報系統,而有近7成的所得額需仰賴自行蒐集外部資料才能得知,另發現執行業務所得確實存在嚴重低估之情形,進一步分析顯示牙科醫師、中醫師與獸醫師這三種執業類別其執行業務所得被嚴重低估。因為樣本限制的關係,研究結果僅限於本國人獨資之執行業務者,無法類推適用於其他型態之執行業務者。雖然本研究之涵蓋範圍並不全面,但依然可供國稅局作為分析執行業務所得與決定何種執行業務者需要加強查核之參考。 In recent years, news events and related research have found that there has been a serious problem of short and underreporting of income from professional practice, which has caused a significant loss of fiscal revenue. This research uses the individual income tax return data, personal data, and property-related data provided by the Fiscal Information Agency from 2011 to 2019 and observes the relationship between labor income and wealth to understand the degree of underreported income of professional practitioners. Assuming that the wealth created from unit labor income is equal between employees and professional practitioners, and there is no underestimation of income from salaries and wages. We find out the government doesn’t have precise data on income from professional practice. Only about 30% of the income comes from the conventional reporting system, and nearly 70% of the income needs to be obtained from external information. There is indeed a serious underestimation of income from professional practice. Further analysis shows that dentists, chinese medical physicians and veterinarians have severe underestimation of income from professional practice. Due to the limitation of sample data, the results are limited to the domestic professional practitioners who are sole proprietors and cannot be applied to other types of professional practitioners by analogy. Although the coverage of this study isn’t comprehensive, it can still be used by the government for analysis of income from professional practice and to determine which professional practitioners need more investigation. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財政學系 109255005 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109255005 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201050 |
顯示於類別: | [財政學系] 學位論文
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