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    Title: 疫情與中國的民族主義
    Pandemic and Chinese Nationalism
    Authors: 鮑羿岑
    Bao, Yi-Cen
    Contributors: 葉浩

    Yeh, Hao
    Kao, Kuo-Kuei

    Bao, Yi-Cen
    Keywords: 民族主義理論
    Theories of Nationalism
    Chinese Nationalism
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:26:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在近兩年爆發的COVID-19中,諸多官方論述顯示中國出現了一種全新形態的民族主義。這種民族主義和西方民族主義理論不同,也和中國自身的民族主義經驗研究不同。本文以官方論述為分析對象,設定COVID-19為終點溯源,考察此種全新形態的民族主義是如何形成的。最終發現,它以美德(virtue)為樞紐連結公民民族主義和族裔民族主義,將馬克思主義中國化後的歷史觀念作爲基礎消弭永存論(perennialism)、現代論(modernism)和族裔象徵論(ethnosymbolism)之間的矛盾。在論述上,COVID-19和中國民族主義的結合跳出了「屈辱敘事」和「天下理論」的框架,形成一種左翼共產主義思想和中國傳統文化相結合的混合形態。生產上述論述的,是一套當代的極權主義(totalitarianism)體制。
    The outbreak of COVID-19 in the last two years has seen the emergence of a new form of nationalism in China in many official discourses. This nationalism differs from Western theories of nationalism and China`s own nationalist experience. This thesis takes the official discourse as the object of analysis and sets COVID-19 as the endpoint for a retrospective examination of how this new form of nationalism was formed. Ultimately, I find that Chinese nationalism uses virtue as a pivotal link between civic nationalism and ethnonationalism, using Marxism`s post-Chinese historical perspective as a basis for bridging the contradictions between perennialism, modernism and ethnosymbolism. In terms of discourse, the combination of COVID-19 and Chinese nationalism goes beyond the discursive framework of `narratives of humiliation` and `theories of Tianxia` to form a hybrid form of left-wing communist thought and traditional Chinese culture. What was produced was a contemporary system of totalitarianism.
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