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Title: | 受租賃補助家戶之政策選擇與空間分布 Policy choice and spatial distribution of rent subsidized households |
Authors: | 張智妍 Chang, Chih-Yen |
Contributors: | 江穎慧 Chiang, Ying-Hui 張智妍 Chang, Chih-Yen |
Keywords: | 租金補貼 社會住宅包租代管 居住品質 羅吉斯模型 Rent Subsidy Project of Incentive for Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing Living quality Logistic Model |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:24:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 貧富差距、高房價問題,家戶購買房屋之負擔逐漸增加。政府制定不同住宅政策,並逐年增加補助預算,希冀解決民眾居住需求問題,相關補助政策之實行是否有實際幫助到相對弱勢者相當重要。本研究利用實價登錄、租金補貼與社會住宅包租代管計畫三項資料,檢視家戶承租建物、租賃金額、鄰里環境等相關特徵及空間分布,藉以分析受租賃補助家戶在領有補貼後之相關特性與居住品質。本研究實證發現,租金補貼家戶空間之分布大致與未受租賃補助之一般租賃家戶、包租代管家戶相同,並主要分布於人口密度高且交通要道附近地區。建物特徵方面,租金補貼家戶與未受租賃補助之一般租賃戶以及包租代管家戶相比,相對居住在屋齡高、面積小之房屋內。顯示在獲得補助後,租金補貼與其他家戶在居住品質仍有差異。 依受租賃補助家戶政策選擇羅吉斯模型,家戶屬社會弱勢者相對於不具任何弱勢身分之一般戶偏好包租代管;人口數2人以上之家戶相對單人家戶,以及每人租金預算越高之家戶,其選擇包租代管之可能性皆較高。顯示家戶在進行各項評估後,會選擇參與對自己最有利之政策,從而使得各類政策所服務之對象有所差異。又現行租賃補助政策之制度設計,可能無法使弱勢者獲得最合適之協助,例如經濟弱勢戶參與包租代管每坪可領有之補助大於其參與租金補貼,但包租代管中經濟弱勢戶所佔數量為低。政府於包租代管每一戶所需投入成本及資源較高,而其不具任何弱勢身分一般戶所佔比例近五成,未將資源主要分配予負擔能力相對低之弱勢族群。建議重新檢視政策之制度設計,針對不同弱勢族群,給予合適協助,以提升政策執行之效率。 Due to the widening gap between the rich and the poor and high housing prices, the burden on households to buy a house has increased. The government has formulated different housing policies and increased the subsidy budget year by year, hoping to solve the problem. It is very important whether the implementation of the housing subsidy policy actually helps the relatively disadvantaged. This study uses three data from different policies, including Transaction Price Registration, Rent Subsidy Policy and Project of Incentive for Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing. In order to analyze characteristics and living quality of households receiving rent subsidies, we check the rental buildings, rent, neighborhood and spatial distribution of households. This study finds that the distribution of the space of households receiving rent subsidies is roughly the same as that of general rental households and households joining project of Incentive for Private-Owned Subsidized Housing. And they are mainly distributed in areas with high population density and near traffic arteries. In terms of building characteristics, households receiving rent subsidies are relatively living in older, smaller-sized houses. It shows that after receiving the subsidy, the rental subsidy is still different from other households in terms of living quality. According to the Policy Choice Logistic Model, households that are socially disadvantaged prefer to Project of Incentive for Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing. Households with a population of more than 2 people and the higher the rental budget per person households are more likely to choose Project of Incentive for Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing, too. It shows that after conducting various assessments, households will choose to participate in the policies that are most beneficial to them. In addition, the design of the current rental subsidy policy may not enable the disadvantaged to obtain the most appropriate assistance. For example, the financially disadvantaged households participating in the Project of Incentive for Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing can receive more subsidy than participating in the Rent Subsidy Policy, but the number of economically disadvantaged households in the Project of Incentive for Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing is low. In addition, the government requires to invest a higher cost for each household in Project of Incentive for Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing, while the proportion of households without any vulnerable statuses is nearly 50%. It shows that resources are not mainly allocated to disadvantaged groups. It is recommended to review the design of the policy and provide appropriate assistance to different disadvantaged groups to improve the efficiency of policy implementation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 109257024 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109257024 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200723 |
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