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Title: | 綠建築評估指標系統減碳潛力分析 —以住宿類綠建築為例 Analysis of Carbon Reduction Potential for Green Building Evaluation Indicator System —A Case Study of Residential Green Building |
Authors: | 彭勝椿 Peng, Shen-Chun |
Contributors: | 孫振義 Sun, Chen-Yi 彭勝椿 Peng, Shen-Chun |
Keywords: | 綠建築評估指標 減碳潛力 住宿類綠建築 Green Building Evaluation Indicators Carbon Reduction Potential Residential Green Buildings |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:22:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 因應氣候變遷導致極端氣候現象加劇,世界各國開始致力於推動節能減碳相關政策,期望藉由減少溫室氣體排放量來達到永續發展目標。而綠建築因相關規劃設計與設施設備之選用,能有效降低建築物所帶來的環境汙染與二氧化碳排放量,被視為是建築產業邁向低碳、淨零排放的重要手段。爰此,在未來提倡減碳之趨勢下,綠建築的發展地位勢必將更為重要,同時也易使得綠建築相關減碳效益將更加被放大檢視。
又,依個案研究結果顯示,住宿類綠建築依其評估指標項目選用內容與得分之不同,整體平均減碳潛力為45.90%,具一定減碳潛力,但尚不及五成,故仍有進步空間;而個案標章級別、評定總分愈高,減碳潛力亦會愈高,每增加標章總分10分,約可增加10.6%的減碳潛力。最後,本研究認為未來在積極邁向淨零排放下,於選用綠建築評估指標項目時,「除了選多還要選對,選對更要精確」,透過鼓勵選用具備較高減碳潛力的評估指標,並精進相關規劃設計內容,才能真正落實並有效促進整體綠建築節能減碳發展。 In response to the intensification of extreme weather phenomena caused by climate change, countries around the world have begun to promote policies related to energy conservation and carbon reduction, hoping to achieve sustainable development goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Green buildings can effectively reduce environmental pollution and carbon dioxide emissions due to related planning and design and selection of facilities and equipment, and are regarded as an important means for the construction industry to move towards low-carbon and net-zero emissions.
In the past, the research related to green building energy conservation and carbon reduction had mostly focused on the technical level, but lacked a fundamental institutional analysis of the relevant carbon reduction potential and impact brought by the current evaluation indicator system. In addition, the green building evaluation indicator system is rarely combined with practical cases for demonstration and comparison to clarify the effect of the evaluation indicator system in practice, which easily leads to the overall evaluation indicator system becoming a formality. Therefore, this study investigates the relative carbon reduction potential relationship of each evaluation indicator items in Taiwan`s current green building evaluation indicator system through systematic induction and analysis by means of expert questionnaires; meanwhile, collects and sorts out the indicator items actually selected for practical residential green building cases, and uses analysis results of expert questionnaires to clarify the carbon reduction potential circumstances that residential green buildings may have under the current evaluation indicator system.
First, through literature review, this research defines the relevant content of the evaluation indicator items of Taiwan`s "EEWH-RS 2015" as four indicator orientations, nine indicator groups and thirty-one evaluation items. Then, use the AHP expert questionnaire to obtain the relative weight value of the carbon reduction potential of each indicator item under the consensus of experts and scholars, and understand that the indicator group such as "Daily Energy Saving", "CO2 Reduction" and "Greenery " and their related evaluation items are regarded as more carbon reduction potential. In addition to the current threshold indicators of the residential evaluation manual, evaluation items such as "ground greening", "structural rationalization", "building lightweight", "roof greening" and "direct penetration design" are suggested to be standardized as priority or necessary evaluation indicator items in the future based on the viewpoint of energy conservation and carbon reduction.
Furthermore, according to the case study results, the average carbon reduction potential of residential green buildings is 45.90%, but it is less than 50%, so there is still room for improvement. The higher the level of label and total score of a case, has the higher the carbon reduction potential. For each additional 10 points in the total score, the carbon reduction potential can be increased by about 10.6%. Finally, this study believes that in the future, under the active move towards net zero emissions, when selecting green building evaluation indicators, “in addition to selecting more indicators, you must choose right ones, and must choose more precisely.” In order to implement and promote the overall green building energy conservation and carbon reduction development, it is effective by encouraging the concentrated selection of items with higher carbon reduction potential, and improving the relevant planning and design content for promoting the evaluation scores of each item. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 109257011 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109257011 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201076 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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