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    Title: 下班主管Line不停:離線權對於員工職家衝突、情緒耗竭和離職傾向之影響
    Keep getting message from manager after work:The effect of the right to disconnect for employee on work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention
    Authors: 陳弘軒
    Chen, Hong-Hsuan
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei-Chun
    Chen, Hong-Hsuan
    Keywords: 離線權
    Right to disconnect
    Work-family conflict
    Emotional exhaustion
    Turnover intention
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:19:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現代科技日新月異,當前大家往往已將通訊軟體取代電話,不僅省錢也省時。但是通訊軟體的蓬勃發展也侵蝕了「工作和休息」之間的分隔線,使的上班與下班的界線產生模糊,可能導致員工無法獲得充分休息,這迫使員工在家仍無法好好休息,無時無刻都處於「待命」階段,宛如一台永不停歇的機器,對於員工的心理壓力影響甚鉅,同時也對於員工家庭生活和人際互動造成巨大威脅。如今歐洲國家開始逐漸對於「離線權」增訂立法,然台灣目前仍處於勞團倡議階段,於學術研究領域也鮮有討論與研究報告。
    With the rapid development of modern technology, communication software has often replaced the telephone, which not only saves money but also saves time. However, the booming development of communication software has also eroded the dividing line between "work and rest", blurring the line between work and off work, which may lead to employees not getting enough rest at home, and always in the "standby" stage like a machine that never stops. It has a huge impact on the psychological pressure of employees, and also poses a huge threat to employees` family life and interpersonal interactions. Nowadays, European countries are gradually increasing the legislation on " right to disconnect ", but Taiwan is still in the stage of labor union advocacy with few discussions and academic research reports.
    In order to explore the relationship between right to disconnect and employee`s work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention, this study measured it through questionnaires, and designed the right to disconnect scale and measurement dimensions. Four different scenarios were designed with different frequencies and timely responses, with a total of 610 valid questionnaires collected covering the four scenarios, followed by PLS-SEM for data processing.
    The study found that different situations have different measured feelings for the subjects, but they all showed that the emotion of right to disconnect, unfair treatment, and active disconnect had a positive and significant impact on work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention Furthermore, emotional exhaustion and work-family conflicts have an intermediary effect on turnover intention.
    Based on the research results, using communication software to continue give order after work has a serious negative impact on employees` work-life balance, and will prompt employees to leave the organization to find other jobs after being physically and mentally exhausted. This study gives advice to employers to restrain from using communication software unless emergency. In that case, employers have to give reasonable compensation.Given the difficulty of legislation on right to disconnect in near future, moderate legal measures can be adopted to explicitly restrict employers using communication software and the right to disconnect is better designed not to beinitiated by employees.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109262002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200968
    Appears in Collections:[勞工研究所] 學位論文

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