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    Title: 員工內捲:概念建構與量表發展
    Employee Involution: Construct Clarification and Scale Development
    Authors: 程晟
    Cheng, Sheng
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Kuo, Chien-Chih
    Cheng, Sheng
    Keywords: 員工內捲
    Employee involution
    Construct clarification
    Scale development
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:10:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究提出了一個全新的職場行為概念——「員工內捲行為」。本研究根據過往社會學及農業學的內捲理論概念,將內捲引入職場領域之中,並且定義內捲行為是指個體在組織中進行效益不高的個人資源投入之行為。此外,本研究還將員工內捲行為界定為兩種形式:1)精進型內捲,係指員工在工作角色內主動進行效益不高的個人資源投入之行為;2)加班型內捲,係指員工利用超時工作的方式進行效益不高的個人資源投入之行為。
    The current study proposes the new conceptualization of “employee involution”. In this research, we conducted two studies to demonstrate and identify the phenomenon of employee involution. Detailly, we introduce the origins of involution by reviewing four main representative philosophies, perspectives, and theory about the history of the term “involution”. Then, in study 1, we follow the main idea of involution, develop a new concept of employee involution and its measurement. The results showed that employee involution can divided into two components: progressive involution and overtime involution. The progressive involution means employees put more effort on complicating or refining work-related task within their work time, which is process oriented. The overtime involution means employees spend extra time and effort more time to do the unnecessary work beyond their work time, such as unnecessary work overtime. We also provide an empirical study to test the validity and reliability of our measurement in study 1. In study 2, we tried to identify the antecedents (high performance expectation, perceived job insecurity and perceived interpersonal competition) and consequences (helping behavior intention, work-related burnout, and work-family conflict) of employee involution. Moreover, we developed an integrative model of employee involution to examine the mechanism of employee involution. The discussion of research implication, limitation, and future direction are also provided.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106752503
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200711
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