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    Title: 台灣華語教師對語素教學之信念與實踐
    Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs and Practices with Regard to Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching
    Authors: 楊千慧
    Yang, Chien-Hui
    Contributors: 張郇慧
    Yang, Chien-Hui
    Keywords: 語素
    Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching
    teaching beliefs
    teaching effectiveness
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:09:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討台灣華語教師對語素教學之信念與實踐現況,及不同背景華語教師在語素教學信念與實踐的差異情形,並探究教學信念與實踐之相關性,進而分析語素教學信念對教學實踐是否有預測力。
    一、 台灣華語教師普遍具有正向語素教學信念,其中以「信念歷程」表現較佳。
    二、 台灣華語教師普遍具有良好的語素教學實踐,其中又以「實踐歷程」表現最好。
    三、 不同背景變項的華語教師在語素教學信念與實踐皆無顯著差異。
    四、 台灣華語教師語素教學信念與實踐有顯著相關性,語素教學信念越高,則語素教學實踐程度越好。
    五、 台灣華語教師語素教學信念能有效預測教學實踐,其信念對教學實踐具有影響力。
    The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of Mandarin Chinese teachers` beliefs and practices in Taiwan on Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching, and the differences between Mandarin Chinese teachers` beliefs and practices in Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching in different backgrounds. The relevance between teaching beliefs and practices is also explored to analyze whether Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching belief has predictive power in teaching practice.
    This study takes the current Taiwanese Chinese Central Teachers as the research object, through the research tool "Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese Teachers` Beliefs and Practices Questionnaire on Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching", which is compiled by the researcher, the questionnaire is divided into three parts, namely (1) Teachers` background survey, (2) Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching Belief Scale, (3) Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching Practice Scale. In this study, a formal questionnaire was conducted after the implementation of the pre-test questionnaire, and 44 valid questionnaires were collected. The data obtained from the survey are processed by statistical methods such as descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, one-factor variation analysis, Pearson Product-Moment correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
    Based on the results of questionnaire responses, this study further implemented semi-structured interviews with five Mandarin Chinese teachers with different years of teaching experience.
    According to the results of the data analysis, the conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese teachers generally have positive Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching beliefs, of which "belief process" is better performed.
    2. Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese teachers generally have good Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching practice, among which the "practice process" is the best performance.
    3. There are no significant differences in the beliefs and practices of Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching among Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese teachers with different background variations.
    4. Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese teachers’ Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching beliefs and practice have a significant correlation, the higher the Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching beliefs, the better the Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching practice.
    5. Taiwanese Chinese teachers` Morpheme-Based Lexical Teaching beliefs can effectively predict teaching practices, and their beliefs have an impact on teaching practice.
    Finally, specific suggestions are made based on the research findings for reference by Mandarin Chinese language teaching institutions, Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese teachers and future research.
    Reference: 參考文獻
    到 Z)依序排列。
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107161012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200828
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