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    Title: 照顧如同修行:障礙照顧的倫理困局、自我技術與精神性轉化
    Care as religious cultivation: Ethical dilemma, self-technology and spiritual transformation in disabled care
    Authors: 黃奕偉
    Huang, I-Wei
    Contributors: 蔡怡佳
    Tsai, yi-Jia
    Huang, I-Wei
    Keywords: 照顧
    Religious cultivation
    Disability studies
    hermeneutic phenomenology
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:45:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我的研究將照顧身心障礙的經驗類比為修行,透過照顧主體化的歷程來呈現照顧者與障礙會遇的倫理困境與精神性轉化。我主要的研究對象有三位障礙者家長、三位機構照顧者、三位神職人員,我也以我自己的工作經驗、大江健三郎的小說意象、盧雲的靈修著作等相關的照顧者文本,來連結經驗資料以擴展理解。在研究方法上,我在詮釋現象學的基礎上構思研究的進行方式,我認為研究者的想像能將語言資料聯繫到身體經驗,也因此我嘗試了三種想像變異的作法,分別是直接從文本開顯經驗、從建構與再建構來擴大對經驗的理解,以及圖像式地從意象與意象的類比來拼湊出經驗的全景。
    This dissertation proposes an analogical understanding between caring the disabled and religious cultivation. Through investigating the process of subjectivation, I describe the ethical dilemma and spiritual transformation when caregivers encountering with the disabled. In-depth interviews are conducted to collect caring narratives from nine caregivers in different caring settings. The participants in this study are three mothers of disabled persons, three institutional caregivers, and three clergymen. In order to expand my understanding of the phenomenon of care, I also refer to my own work experience as a special education teacher, Kenzaburo Oe`s novels, and Henri Nouwen`s spiritual writings. Based on hermeneutic phenomenology, I argue that imagination can connect narrative data to bodily experience. I conduct three kinds of imagining variations, namely manifesting the experience from the text, constructing and reconstructing to amplify the understanding of the experience, and piecing together a panorama of experience from the analogy of image to image.
    By phenomenological reduction, I first describe how ableism identifies disables through the expansion of medicalization, in which caregivers are asked to heal injuries, mend developmental delays, and adapt to stigma. Normal, as contrasted in this way, refers to independent and productive people.
    Secondly, I argue that caring is composed of four elements: shouldering, projecting, resisting, and accompanying, and sum up the overall meaning of caring with religious cultivation. Caregivers can be analogized to religious cultivators, stemming from their shared ambiguity of self, which manifests itself in techniques of self. The caregiver`s resistance to society is presented as self-denying, in which techniques of self is contained.
    Third, I present a spatial depiction of techniques of self. In the spiral movement co-constructed by horizontal expansion and vertical development. Caregivers strengthen themselves through professionalism and attempt to assimilate those with disabilities. When encountering setback or transcendence, the vertical movement of falling and lifting enables the caregiver to turn around in the predicament. The axis of the spiral movement is derived from the recognition of the heterogeneous temporality, that is, when the linear time is interrupted, it is possible to enter the space where the images emerge.
    Fourth, I deepen the bodily connotation of techniques of self from the perspective of immanence and physical performance. Through the mutual traction between ascetic self and care self of religious caregivers, it shows that theological discourse needs to return to the practice of care. From the experience of companionship, I have concluded that a theology that capable to care the disabled must return to Jesus` love, to the trivialities of companionship, to an equally vulnerable view of the human being, and to relational redemption. The theological discourse of the incarnation is realized in the transformation of the image of God, from the accessible God, the interdependent God, to the disabled God, in the same way that enables the disabled to be at the heart of the church.
    In conclusion, I argue that spiritual knowledge in techniques of self is the mediator of coping with suffering and illustrate the spiritual transformation process of the caring with the spiral movement. I also address the limitations of my research, and finally use my own practice of difference as an examination of clinical humanities.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102156501
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200966
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