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Title: | 臺灣攝影家檔案產生與管理研究 A Study on the Creation and Management of Taiwan Photographers’ Archives |
Authors: | 曾一修 Tseng, I-Hsiu |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 Hsueh, Li-Kuei 曾一修 Tseng, I-Hsiu |
Keywords: | 攝影家 攝影家檔案 私人文書 產生 管理 Photographer Photographers’ Archives Personal Records Creation Management |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 17:44:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 攝影係一種能將景框中的現實定格為永恆的藝術,乘載人類文明與歷史發展的重要資訊。隨著攝影家的匡取,我們得以從不同視角觀看這個世界,同時,藉由典藏攝影家檔案,也可以協助我們還原攝影家的拍攝歷程與脈絡,並深入理解隱藏於景框之外的拍攝動機、目的與意涵。然而,目前國內無論是官方或民間,雖已投入許多時間與預算,對於攝影家檔案的蒐集與保存,多著重在最終的成品上,缺乏對於攝影家檔案脈絡保存的積極認知,使得大量彌足珍貴的物件與資料,因著天災人禍與攝影家的辭世,逐漸毀損與佚失,相當令人堪憂。 本研究為瞭解攝影家獨特的檔案產生與管理模式,以推動成立臺灣攝影博物館為號召,由多位資深攝影家與專家學者所組成的「臺灣攝影博物館文化學會」核心成員作為研究對象,並透過深度訪談法理解攝影家的拍攝動機與歷程、攝影家於拍攝歷程中所產生的檔案,以及攝影家獨特的檔案管理情形,最終提出對於目前臺灣攝影家檔案管理的永續發展建議,包括加強對攝影家的口述訪談;擴大攝影家檔案的徵集範圍,增加瞭解攝影家檔案與攝影家的脈絡關係;提高攝影文化中心行政層級,加速擴建檔案庫房,培訓攝影家檔案管理專業人才。 Photography is an art that can freeze the reality in the frame into eternity, carrying important information about human civilization and historical development. At the same time, the collection of photographers` archives can help us to restore the process and context of photographers` photography, and to understand the motives, purposes and meanings of photography hidden beyond the frame. However, although a lot of time and budget have been invested in the collection and preservation of photographers` archives, both official and private, the focus is mostly on the final product, and there is a lack of active awareness of the preservation of context of photographers` archives, resulting in a large number of precious objects and materials being gradually destroyed and lost due to natural and man-made disasters and the death of photographers, that are worriable. In order to understand the unique creation and management mode of photographers’ archives, this study was conducted by the core members of the "Society of Photographic Museum and Culture of Taiwan", which is composed of several experienced photographers and experts. Finally, I proposed the conclusions and suggestions as follows: strengthen oral interviews with photographers, expand the scope of collection of photographers` archives, increase the understanding of the relationship between photographers` archives and contexts, raise the administrative level of the National Center of Photography and Images, accelerate the expansion of the repositories, and training professionals in photographers` archive management. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 109155021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109155021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201112 |
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