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    Title: 以生態系統觀點探討區塊鏈技術應用於健康資料治理
    Analyzing Application of Blockchain in Health Data Governance from Ecosystem Perspective
    Authors: 林姿妤
    Lin, Tzu-Yu
    Contributors: 李沛錞
    Lee, Pei-Chun
    Lin, Tzu-Yu
    Keywords: 電子健康記錄
    Electronic health record
    Health information exchange
    Data governance
    Ecosystem perspective
    Blockchain technology
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:43:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 遵循有效的資料治理架構為機構間協調進行健康資料交換奠定基礎,而區塊鏈技術可解決健康資料互操作性、隱私與安全問題,成為健康資料交換發展的推手,然而,科技典範轉移往往為產業生態帶來變動,有鑑於此,本研究旨在以生態系統觀點、援引資料生態系統理論,並分別由組織治理角度與技術角度,進行以下探討:(1)探討區塊鏈技術應用於健康資料治理之效益、困境與挑戰;(2)探討區塊鏈技術應用於健康資料治理實際產生之影響,並輔以個案分析、專家訪談法,獲得區塊鏈技術應用於健康資料治理,對於不同組織帶來的效益、挑戰與影響之全面性理解,以掌握可能產生之變動並及早擬定策略。

    Following an effective data governance framework lays the foundation for health information exchange among organizations, and blockchain technology can address health information interoperability, privacy, and security issues, and become a driving force for the development of health information exchange. This study aims to:(1) Explore the benefits, dilemmas and challenges of applying blockchain technology to health data governance; (2) Explore the actual impacts of applying blockchain technology to health data governance. So as to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits, challenges and impacts of applying blockchain technology to health data governance from the perspective of organizational governance and the perspective of technology, using case studies and interviews to figure out the benefits, challenges, and impacts of blockchain technology in health data governance for different organizations, so that we can grasp the possible changes and formulate strategies early.

    The results of the study show that although different levels of medical blockchain ecosystems with their own development focus and goals, the joint efforts of participants of different nature can help the ecosystem to expand and create heterogeneous values. Secondly, different levels of organizations apply blockchain technology to health data governance, which actually obtains different benefits, in other words, they will face different dilemmas and challenges. Furthermore, the introduction of blockchain technology can help the medical industry to make breakthroughs in governance and medical technology, and drive the expansion of medical blockchain ecosystem.
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