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    Title: 大學圖書館創客空間學習者參與經驗與滿意度之研究:以達賢圖書館為例
    Learners` Experience and Satisfaction for University Library Makerspace : Case Study of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library
    Authors: 黃沛
    Huang, Pei
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Huang, Pei
    Keywords: 大學圖書館
    University Library
    Participation Experience
    Best Practices
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:43:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2014年,美國積極推動創客運動,全球各國也開始響應創客風潮,這樣的創作風氣橫跨了經濟界、政治界、企業界,逐拓展至教育界,也促使「創客空間(Makerspace)」在各個領域中如火如荼的發展。其建設理念與風氣亦拓及到了圖書館,成為新興服務的範圍與項目。創客文化也在大學圖書館逐步發酵,大學圖書館創客空間設置賦予了新的服務內容、擴展了圖書館空間的社會功能,使大學圖書館成為集學習、討論與創意於一體的多功能綜合性圖書館。
    In 2014, the United States actively promoted the Maker Movement, and countries around the world also began to respond to the trend of Maker. This creative trend has spanned the economic, political, corporate worlds, and gradually expanded to the education sector. prompting the development of "Makerspace" in various fields in full swing.Its construction concept and ethos have also extended to the library, becoming the scope and project of emerging services. The concept and culture of Makerspace construction has also been extended to libraries, becoming a new scope of services and projects. The culture of creativity is also gradually fermenting in university libraries, and the setting up of Makerspace in university libraries has given new service contents and expanded the social functions of library space, making university libraries a multifunctional and comprehensive library that integrates learning, discussion, and creativity.
    However, the operation mechanism and service implementation planning of the Makerspace are different from the original operation mode or services provided by the university library, so it is a brand new challenge for the university library. Facing the emerging service provision Therefore, the library`s space construction or management services need to be adjusted and evaluated appropriately to adapt to the innovation and integration of emerging fields. The evaluation mechanism of library services should also be adapted to the different nature of the space. The service implementation of university library makerspaces has been paid more and more attention, and achievement performance has also become the key to library improvement and evaluation. However, at present, there are few evaluation studies specifically targeting library makerspaces in Taiwan.
    Therefore, this research will focus on the following Discussion on four projects: (1) Discuss the meaning of Makerspace in university library, tool equipment service, creative project planning service, professional teacher teaching service and operation management. (2) To explore the experiences of learners in the Makerspace of the university library. (3) To investigate learners` satisfaction with the service and learning effectiveness of the Makerspace. (4) To explore the best practices of Makerspace in university libraries, and to provide reference for university library Makerspace services and learners.
    This study takes Dah Hsian Seetoo Library, which opened in 2019 and actively develops Makerspace, as an example. The study aims to learn the satisfaction level of 23 learners of the Makerspace based on their experience of using the space, and to talk with 2 teachers who have used the space for teaching and 5 librarians who operate and manage the space to learn about the operating mechanism and learning effectiveness of the Makerspace in the Dah Hsian Seetoo Library since its opening, to propose points for improvement, and to summarize the best practices of Makerspace in university libraries.
    Based on the results of this study, six conclusions can be drawn and 21 indicators of best practices in three dimensions of Makerspace can be proposed: (1) The Makerspace in Dah Hsian Seetoo Library bring positive and diversified values to learners, teachers, and librarians. (2) The majority of learners in the Dah Hsian Seetoo Library Makerspace in the College of Business and the College of Communication, and we hope to increase the use of other institutions such as the College of Arts, Letters, and the College of Social Sciences. (3) The highest level of participation among the learners of the Dah Hsian Seetoo Library Makerspace was among students in Graduate Program in Digital Content and Technologies. (4) The learners are satisfied with the services of the Makerspace, but they still have many suggestions. (5) The learning effectiveness and needs of beginners and advanced learners in the Dah Hsian Seetoo Library Makerspace are different. (6) The best practical regurgitation of the library`s Makerspace can be divided into three components, namely, "the precursors to constructing a Makerspace," "the promotion and operation of a Makerspace," and "the sustainable development and future planning of a Makerspace," and 21 detailed indicators to create a suitable venue for users, sufficient resources, and quality services so that users can have the best practical experience, promote the culture of innovative learning, and achieve the purpose of creative exchange. The purpose of the project is to create a suitable place for users, sufficient resources, and quality services, so that users can have the best practical experience, promote innovative learning, and achieve the purpose of creative exchange.
    In terms of recommendations, based on the results of their analysis and the current situation of the Dah Hsian Seetoo Library Makerspace, they made seven suggestions for improvement: (1) The Makerspace in the Dah Hsian Seetoo Library needs more manpower and funding support from the school. (2) Improve the environment and tools and equipment of the Makerspace. (3) The library Makerspace should be promoted and a Makerspace community should be established. (4) Regularly update the website of the Makerspace to provide information on activities. (5) Make good use of the school`s existing clubs and curriculum resources and cooperate with them. (6) The Makerspace should establish a perfect user feedback system. (7) The utilization rate of the creative space needs to be strengthened. It is suggested that promotion activities can be enhanced to find potential learners and induce creative motivation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109155003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200946
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