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Title: | 組織公平知覺對工作投入、組織認同與績效表現影響之研究-以A健身中心為例 A Study on the Impact of Organizational Justice Perception on Work Engagement, Organizational Identity and Performance – With A Case Gym |
Authors: | 張坤銘 Chang, Kun-Ming |
Contributors: | 黃家齊 Huang, Jia-Chi 張坤銘 Chang, Kun-Ming |
Keywords: | 組織公平 工作投入 組織認同 績效表現 健身中心 Organizational Justice Work Engagement Organizational Identity Performance Gym |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 17:40:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自2019年COVID-19疫情開始,消費者對於運動健身意識增強,但也因疫情政策,健身中心的經營面臨營運的不確定。此一市場轉變現象,對於健身中心員工穩定度造成極大挑戰,留住人才乃為健身中心目前重大課題。在公司經營策略中,讓員工認知組織公平是激勵員工關鍵方法。 本研究以個案建康中心員工為研究對象,探討員工組織公平知覺對於其工作投入、組織認同的影響與績效表現關係,並利用內部資料進行人力盤點。進行人力現狀了解與分群,並利用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,採取階層迴歸分析與變異數分析等統計方法進行理論驗證與討論,研究實證結果如下: 一、利用企業內部資料,經過人力九宮格分析盤點,發現員工落於穩定貢獻群和未來領導群者最多,顯示個案健身中心多數員工的素質是穩定優秀的。 二、員工對組織公平知覺三構面中以人際公平知覺最高,其次為程序公平,分配公平的知覺最低,其中又以薪酬的公平知覺最低。且公平知覺會影響員工的組織認同與工作投入,進而對績效表現關係產生正向影響。 三、員工在組織公平知覺會正向影響對組織認同,也會影響其工作投入,進而對績效表現產生影響,此現象將足以影響公司的目標與願景,因此,如何提升員工的公平知覺,尤其在分配公平知覺的薪酬分配,是值得領導單位思考的。 四、就人口變項之分析發現,男性較女性高,26-35歲,北區,客服及教練職員工在組織公平知覺、組織認同和工作投入三構面同意度最低。因此,如何讓此族群的員工價值觀與組織一致,是值得領導單位思考的。 五、位於優秀表現者區位的員工,認為其工作投入相對於其他區位最高,但對於組織知覺公平最不認同,因此建議個案公司,對此部分員工,應多加關注其公平感受。 本研究結果顯示健身中心人員的績效表現與其對公司現行制度認同具有顯著關係,建請改善制度、建立有效反應機制及尊重員工聲音等措施,提供健身中心管理參考並供後續相關研究資料。 Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2019, consumers have become more aware of sports and fitness, but also due to the epidemic policy, the operation of fitness centers is facing operational uncertainty. This market change phenomenon has brought great challenges to the stability of fitness center employees, and retaining talents is a major issue for fitness centers at present. In the company`s business strategy, making employees aware of organizational justice is a key way to motivate employees. This study adopted the employees of the Gym as the research object, and explored the relationship between employees` perception of organizational justice on their work engagement, organizational identity and performance performance. Data collection was carried out and statistical methods such as hierarchical regression analysis and variance analysis are used for theoretical verification and discussion. The empirical results of the research were as follows: 1.Using the internal information of the enterprise through the analysis and inventory of the human resource nine-square grid. It is found that the employees who fall into the stable contribution group are the most, which shows that the quality of most of the employees of the individual fitness center is excellent. 2.Among the three dimensions of employees` perception of organizational justice, the perception of interpersonal justice is the highest followed by procedural fairnesss. The perception of distributional justice is the lowest and the perception of fairness in compensation is the lowest. And justice perception will affect employees` organizational identity and work engagement then have a positive impact on the relationship between performance and performance. 3.Employees’ perception of justice in the organization will positively affect their identification with the organization and also affect their work engagement, which in turn affects performance. This phenomenon will be enough to affect the company’s goals and vision. Therefore, how to improve employees’ perception of fairness. Especially, Salary distribution with a perception of fairness in distribution is worthy of consideration by leading units. 4.The analysis of demographic variables found that males are higher than females, 26-35 years old in the North District, customer service staff and coaching staff have the lowest agreement in the three dimensions of organizational justice perception、organizational identity and work engagement. Therefore, how to make the employee values of this group consistent with the organization is worthy of consideration by the leadership unit. 5.The employees located in the excellent performer area believe that their work engagement is the highest compared to other areas, but they disagree with the perceived fairness of the organization the least. Therefore, it is suggested that the case company should pay more attention to their fairness perception for this part of the employees. The results of this study show that the performance of fitness center personnel has a significant relationship with their identification with the company`s current system. It is recommended to improve the system, establish an effective response mechanism and respect the voice of employees. Measures such as providing fitness center management reference and follow-up related research materials are recommended. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 110932034 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200922 |
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