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Title: | 企業文化認知與兩岸員工幸福感及敬業貢獻度關係之研究-以H公司為例 A Study on The Relationship Between Employees’ Perception of Corporate Culture, Happiness and Engagement on Both Sides of The Taiwan Strait – With H Case |
Authors: | 呂育純 Lu, Yu-Chun |
Contributors: | 黃家齊 Huang, Jia-Chi 呂育純 Lu, Yu-Chun |
Keywords: | 企業文化 工作幸福感 敬業貢獻 人力資源管理 Corporate Culture Work Happiness Dedicated Contribution Human Resource Management |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 17:39:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業國際化後,面臨多國員工背景差異管理問題,臺灣大陸兩岸員工因養成背景文化不同,工作價值觀也具差異,為了能有效領導,許多企業藉由形塑公司獨特企業文化,經過有效的理念與實務倒入企業文化,提升員工工作幸福感,激勵員工士氣,創新敬業貢獻,達成公司願景目標。因此,本研究主要目的在探討企業文化對於兩岸員工工作幸福感與敬業貢獻影響之研究,並以個案股份有限公司為個案研究對象。 本研究以臺灣已創辦50年零組件製造全球企業之企業個案公司為研究對象,個案公司企業領導人創建的企業文化為研究主軸,並以臺灣區總公司及大陸上海兩個廠區之員工為研究樣本,了解兩岸員工對於個案公司企業文化的認知差異,並驗證員工企業文化認知與員工工作幸福感與敬業貢獻度的關係。總回收有效問卷共計490筆資料,採用多變量統計、階層迴歸分析等統計方法,用以了解個案公司兩岸員工對企業文化認同差異,探討個案公司企業文化對員工幸福感與敬業貢獻之影響。研究發現: 一、兩岸員工對於個案公司企業文化具備認同感,其中又以仁德厚道、誠信安定兩項的認同度較高,但員工成長面向的認同度較低。 二、兩岸員工會因個人特徵對於個案公司企業文化的認同感而有差異,整體而言,女性、已婚、25歲以下族群對於企業文化認同感相對較低。另外,臺灣學歷為專科及大陸學歷在高中職下,及年資在一年內的同仁應該多與關注。 三、個案公司企業文化的認同程度會影響員工的工作幸福感與敬業貢獻度。 四、建議針對大陸員工的企業文化認同度,可依員工個人屬性分群設計不同的方案引導。 根據研究結果,將能在其企業文化的導入以及兩岸人力管理層面有實證依據,作為個案公司及台商作為參考,進而創新公司整體組織文化。 The research was to explore the research on the influence of corporate culture on employees` job well-being and dedication to work on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and take H case. as the case study object. After the internationalization of the company, it was faced with the problem of management of multi-national employees` background differences. Due to the different background cultures and different work values of employees on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, in order to be able to lead effectively. By shaping the company`s unique corporate culture and guided by effective concepts and practices, many companies could improve employees` work happiness, motivate employees` morale, innovate and contribute to their work, and achieve the company`s vision and goals. The study was H case, a global enterprise founded by Taiwan Components for 50 years. The research focus is on the corporate culture created by the leaders, and the employees of the head office in Taiwan and in Shanghai, China were used as the research object. Samples were used to understand the differences in employees` perceptions of the combined corporate culture on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and to verify the relationship between employees` corporate culture perception and employees` work happiness and dedication to their contribution. A total of 490 pieces of data were collected from valid questionnaires, and statistical methods such as multivariate statistics and hierarchical regression analysis were used to understand the differences in the recognition of corporate culture between employees on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and to explore the impact of corporate culture on employee happiness and dedication. The study found: 1.Employees on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have a sense of identity with the corporate culture of the case company. Among them, the recognition degree of benevolence, kindness, integrity and stability is high, but the recognition degree of employee growth is relatively low. 2.Employees on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will have different identification with the corporate culture of the individual company due to their personal characteristics. On the whole, females, married people, and ethnic groups under the age of 25 have relatively low identification with the corporate culture. In addition, the Taiwanese education is a junior college and the mainland education is under the high school, and the colleagues with the seniority within one year should pay more attention. 3.The degree of recognition of the combined corporate culture will affect the employee`s job happiness and dedication. 4.It is recommended to design different programs and guidance according to the individual attributes of employees according to the corporate cultural identity of mainland employees. According to the research results, it will be able to have empirical evidence in the introduction of its corporate culture and cross-strait human management, as a reference for H case and Taiwanese businessmen, and then innovate the company`s overall organizational culture. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 110932006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110932006 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200920 |
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