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    Title: 傳統媒體行銷面臨的最大危機:數位媒體行銷新型媒體行銷是否會取代傳統媒體行銷
    The Greatest Threat Facing Traditional Media Marketing: Digital Media Marketing Will Social Media Marketing replace Traditional Media Marketing
    Authors: 楊維凱
    Yang, Paul W K
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Paul W K Yang
    Keywords: 行銷
    Traditional Media
    Social Media
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:33:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在2004年02月,就讀美國哈佛大學的馬克祖克柏及愛德華多薩維林推出了一個網路平台,專門為哈佛大學的學生們可以線上交流,並將它命名為 The Facebook.com.當時,祖克柏在官方校報Harvard Crimson的訪談中提到“若這個網站可以透過廠商下廣告來攤提電腦伺服器的成本該有多好呢?” 兩個月後,他們便開始在網頁的空白欄位刊登廣告,而廣告內容大部分都是跟該校相關的訊息,如 徵才需求,製作學校相關的商品,搬家公司,等。。。
    這個平台剛成立時,目的非常單純,只是為了建立一個讓大學生們可以分享資訊的網路空間,沒想到卻大大的受到廣泛民眾的喜愛,讓這個社交平台火速成長,成為全球人們每日必看的平台之一。至今,Meta也已成為全球百大企業之一.而當時只是為了維持這個學生實驗作品的經濟來源卻改變了世界最古老的職業之一 – 行銷。行銷這個行業可說是在人類開始存在的時候,就已經成立的行業。主要因素是當你有任何產品或服務想要銷售的話,你就需要使用行銷來幫你將該產品或服務順利推銷給有需要的人。最早期的行銷模式是透過人傳人的口碑行銷,但這樣的效益相對來說是非常低,因為有距離跟時間的限制,當你不在場的時候,就不會有任何成效。後來,隨著紙漿的發明,人們發現透過宣傳單,海報來做行銷,就算你人不在現場,只要對方看得到你的宣傳內容,就有機會達到宣傳的效果。而跟著科技的進展,廣播取代宣傳單,電視取代廣播,透過單一媒體可以投放給廣泛族群。現在,當我們進入數位的時代,行銷模式也正在改變中。上一世紀的大眾行銷模式來到這個以精準數據為主的時代再度演變。新型媒體行銷是否真的可以取代傳統媒體行銷?目前的趨勢走向的確會顯得新型媒體行銷優於傳統媒體行銷,主要原因是新型媒體是透過大數據以及具有依據的資訊的方式做行銷,所以可以精準對象目標族群,而傳統媒體行銷是以大範圍的方式在做行銷,而且成效比較難被估算出來。儘管如此,傳統媒體行銷大部分是由專業人士在主導,且因受各國的政府單位監控,所以不正當的行銷手法比較罕見。相對而言,由於新型媒體行銷沒有入門門檻,不受管制,且為了要引起關注力即話題性,經常會用誇大或不實的行銷內容來吸引消費者的矚目。以目前最有效的行銷模式會是一種混合式 (hybrid) 的行銷策略,同時結合傳統媒體行銷及新型媒體行銷,不僅可以擴大的受眾的觸及,降低風險,甚至也可以在最少的預算內達到最高的效益。因此,在短期內,新型媒體行銷是無法取代傳統媒體行銷。
    February 2004, a couple of college students from Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, introduced a website called The Facebook.com, which allows Harvard students to interact with each other online. During an interview with the school newspaper Harvard Crimson, Zuckerberg commented that ‘it would be nice if they can earn some revenue to help pay for their servers fees.” Two months later, they started renting out the blank areas on their webpage for ads, such as local hirings, school related production services, moving companies, etc… When the website first launched, its purpose was very simple, to provide a common webspace for college students to share information with each other. However, due to its widespread attraction for the common public, the platform grew rapidly, and has become one of the websites that people visit daily. As of today, Facebook (renamed as Meta) is also one of the top 100 global companies. At the same time, what started out as a source of income for a student project has revolutionized one of the oldest professions in the world – Marketing. It can be stated that marketing is a profession that began when humans started to exist. The main reason for that is when you have a product or a service you want to sell, you need marketing to promote the product or service to potential customers. The earliest form of marketing was known as oral marketing, wherein a person would personally present the product he is selling to the other person. Such method has very low value because there is the limitations of distance and time. When you are not present, then there is no effect. With the invention of paper, people started using pamphlets, posters to deliver their message. Thus, even when you are not available, potential customers can still see your marketing contents, paving way for possible transactions. And with the advancement of technology, radio replaced pamphlets, television replaced radio, providing mass marketing through a single medium. Now, as we enter the digital age, the marketing approach is once again changing. The mass marketing method that we have been using for the past century is being threatened by precise data analysis. Therefore, will social media marketing replace traditional media marketing? Recently, all signs pointing to social media marketing has overtaken traditional media marketing, especially from recent media spending reports. The main reason is because social media marketing uses big data and “accurate” data information for its marketing, therefore they can accurately target their potential consumers, while traditional media marketing uses mass marketing, and their marketing efficiency is harder to calculate. Nevertheless, the people behind traditional media marketing are seasoned professionals, and they are constantly regulated by each country’s government and need to abide by regulations, therefore illegal methods of marketing are rare. Unlike social media marketing, which is available to anyone, have no restrictions, and to attract viewer numbers and likes, they sometimes resort to embellishment and suspicious contents to attract more viewers. Thus the most efficient way of marketing right now would be a hybrid marketing strategy, utilizing both traditional media marketing and social media marketing. This way, not only would the message be delivered to the highest audience reach, at the same time it can also lower risks, and using the limited amount of budget to achieve the best results. As a conclusion, social media marketing will not replace traditional media marketing, at least not now.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932073
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201036
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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