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    Title: 泰國、新加坡、韓國國際醫療經驗對我國推行國際醫療之參考研究
    Medical Tourism Experience in Thailand, Singapore and Korea Reference study on the implementation of international medical care in Taiwan
    Authors: 周正賢
    Chou, Cheng-Hsien
    Contributors: 周行一
    Chou, Cheng-Hsien
    Keywords: 全民健保
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:17:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   我國在1995年3月1日開始實施全民健保,歷經了27年。全民健保開辦目的是為了要本國人民都可以享受到醫療的資源,是一種強制性保險的福利制度。而在這看似美好的架構下,健保卻面臨了無法永續的問題。在這27年的全民健保制度中,全民健保近年開始面臨虧損的問題,更在最近安全準備金低於一個月的水準。雖然健保局在2021年有將健保費率提升至5.17%,稍微減緩虧損的壓力,但今年健保支出總額突破8,000億大關,而健保費率又因為醫療法的規定,不能超過上限6%。所以全民健保勢必得要開源以及節流。
    National Healthcare Insurance coverage was implemented in our country on March 1, 1995 and has been in place for 27 years. The purpose of National Healthcare Insurance is to provide health care resources to all people in our country, and it is a mandatory insurance benefit system. Under this seemingly beautiful framework, National Healthcare Insurance has faced unsustainable problems. In its 27 years of existence, National Healthcare Insurance has begun to lose money in recent years, and recently its safety margin has fallen below one month`s level. Although the National Health Insurance Administraion (NHIA) has raised the premium rate to 5.17% in 2021 to slightly alleviate the pressure of losses, total health care spending has surpassed the $800 billion mark this year, and the premium rate cannot exceed the 6% cap due to the health care law. Therefore, National Healthcare Insurance must open up new sources of income and cut costs.
    With the development of transportation networks and easy access to information, more and more people from different countries are choosing to go abroad for medical treatment, which has become a trend in recent years. This paper analyzes how the governments of Thailand, Singapore, and Korea, which have been developing international health care rapidly in recent years, have developed international health care, learning from their experiences and the problems encountered in Thailand, Singapore, and Korea. We will study whether international health care can be implemented in Taiwan to create an additional source of income for Taiwan`s health care and make it sustainable.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108357011
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201138
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