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    Title: 從「韓粉出征,寸草不生」現象論庶民對抗型公共領域的再現
    Representation of subaltern counter-public sphere in Taiwan: A textual analysis of Han Kuo-yu’s hardcore fans’ discursive strategies
    Authors: 楊竹惠
    Yang, Chu-Hui
    Contributors: 劉慧雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Yang, Chu-Hui
    Keywords: 韓粉
    Han Kuo-yu
    Han’s fans
    Counter-public sphere
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:37:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,韓國瑜從台北賣菜郎南下至高雄參選市長,吸引了廣大韓粉情義相挺。接著,更代表國民黨參選2020總統大選,然而,在競選過程中,卻屢屢爆出爭議,網路聲勢急轉直下,從中引發韓粉為了護韓在線上做出激烈的出征舉動,更有「韓粉出征,寸草不生」一語,以形容此大規模的輿論攻擊行為,也導致社會中主流與非主流的競爭態勢更為明顯。因此,本研究以2020年總統大選為基底,探討韓粉作為輿論弱勢的對抗型公眾如何利用社群網路出征,這些行動對於台灣政治傳播與民主生態產生哪些翻轉與衝擊,又或者在論述過程中受到哪些影響,希望描繪出此新興政治群體的論述特色與邏輯。本文結合OpView意藍輿情監測系統爬搜Facebook中韓粉留言,並透過文本分析以了解出征的論述架構為何。研究資料顯示,韓粉出征以「憤怒宣洩、岔開話題、製造對立」為主要的論述特色,同時也因出征行為聚焦在Facebook上,導致韓粉的資訊接收受到同溫層影響,更形成一種垂直整合的意見生態圈。此外,作為對抗性公眾的韓粉並非以尋求達到最多支持為理念,反而持續加深與他者的對立,同時資料亦透露出韓粉大舉「庶民」旗幟,最後形成反菁英、反民主的民粹團體,對台灣民主政治產生莫大的影響與衝擊。
    Back in 2018, KMT’s Han Kuo-yu won Kaohsiung mayoral election and attracted people to be his supporters. Soon after, he was announced as the winner of KMT’s presidential primary to be running up against Tsai Ing-wen. However, during the election process, Han kept causing controversy after a string of gaffes, which made him get negative opinions on the internet and made him and his supporters discriminated against by others. Thus, the fans flooded into competitors’ Facebook pages and left some fierce comments to protect Han. The phrase “when Han fans go to battle, there is complete devastation” describes this kind of comment attack. This also made the combat between the groups of mainstream and non-mainstream even tenser. Therefore, with the momentum of Han’s supporters, this study delineates how they use social media to battle with others and what exactly their discursive strategies and tactics are in the comments. Besides, how this attack affects political communication and democracy in Taiwan, or do mass media and algorithms influence it?
    Regarding the research method, we use OpView social watch to collect data and textual analysis by scrutinizing every comment left by Han’s supporters. The results show that their strategies focus on letting off steam and releasing anger, diverting the discussion topics, and creating conflicts with others. In addition, Han’s fans are not only influenced by the social media algorithms and echo chamber but have become new information streaming ecosystem for vertical opinion integration. Furthermore, as a counter-public, it is surprising that Han’s fans do not seek more support from other marginal groups; instead, they incite opposition against them. Last, they use “subaltern” as a sign to gather and form a populist group to be anti-elites and anti-democracy. This will have a severe impact on democratic politics in Taiwan.
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