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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > MBA Program > Theses >  Item 140.119/140728
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    Title: 年輕消費者使用會員點數之動機與忠誠度探討-以全聯為例
    The Motivation and Loyalty of the Young Consumers to Use Membership Rewards - Taking PX Mart as an Example
    Authors: 陳萱霖
    Chen, Hsuan-Lin
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Chen, Hsuan-Lin
    Keywords: 會員經濟
    Membership economy
    Membership rewards
    Purchasing motivation
    Loyalty programs
    Customer loyalty
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:34:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現今已有越來越多企業採用會員制度,並搭配點數經營以增加消費誘因,同時拉近顧客與企業間的距離。而隨著網際網絡的蓬勃發展、近年疫情的影響,以及消費客群年輕化的趨勢,皆更促使企業投入數位行銷,希望優化消費者體驗來吸引更多年輕消費者,強化該客群使用會員點數之動機,進而提升其消費頻率、金額與忠誠度。


    Nowadays, more and more companies have adopted the membership program, and combined with the reward points to increase the incentives for consumers and to make their distance closer as well. With the development of the Internet, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the trend of younger consumers, companies are further driven to invest in digital marketing, hoping to improve consumer experience and attract more young consumers, thereby enhancing their motivation of using the membership rewards and improving consumption frequency, amount and loyalty.

    This study focuses on PX Mart company, which is working hard on the membership rewards mechanism and wants to expand the younger consumers’ base. Moreover, this study adopted in-depth interviews, selecting consumers aged 20-32 and regularly visited PX Mart as the main interviewers. And in order to have better understanding for their behavior, motivation for using membership and reward points, and the influence on loyalty, these interviewers are selected among three types: the first type is non-PX Pay member, and the second type is PX Pay member without ensuring the collection of the rewards points, and the third type is PX Pay member who will ensure their collection of the rewards points. The following findings has been drawn through the analysis and summary: (1) Young consumers are pragmatic, will measure the value and usage of reward points, and are easily influenced by factors such as convenience, price, and their needs or preferences. (2) Types of young consumers have different sensitivities and pain points, therefore the company should make program adjustments for loyal customers to consolidate their loyalty. (3) The company should properly design the reward system, such as adjusting the difficulties of redeeming products to increase motivation. (4) Young consumers will increase their satisfaction by the incentives from the membership rewards system, and also enhance loyalty effectively.

    According to the research results, the study provides the recommendations for PX Mart and other companies to manage younger generation in the future. Clearly promotion of the membership rewards activities and the proper adjustment for designing reward system matter more to the companies. The company should let young consumers clearly aware and understand the content of program, or attempt to increase diversity of redemption rewards, adjust the level or period of the activities, and provide their preferred products for redemption, to help maximize the value of the membership rewards, which in turn creats better consumer experience and increases the satisfaction and loyalty of the young consumers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363031
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200679
    Appears in Collections:[MBA Program] Theses

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