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    题名: 整合印太地區空中威懾之研究
    The Study of Indo-Pacific Integrated Air Deterrence
    作者: 何克力
    Hawkley, Cooper Miles
    贡献者: 甯方璽
    Ning, Fang-Shii
    Hawkley, Cooper Miles
    关键词: 威懾
    Integrated Deterrence
    Integrated Air Deterrence
    Air Power
    日期: 2022
    上传时间: 2022-07-01 16:31:10 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究探討了美國印太地區盟國及夥伴的空軍武力,作為新的整合空中威懾戰略的面向,並研究對中國侵略威脅的集體威懾的行動方針。美國的整合威懾戰略仍在發展中,目前並沒有明確的與盟國整合的政策,因此本研究為整合空中威懾的先驅,首先決定了盟國和夥伴參與南中國海和臺灣海峽潛在衝突情景的空中綜合威懾領域的意願和能力,利用各種資料庫及報導綜整編製和分析了多種指標,如當前的空軍能力、條約、最近的政治聲明、歷史軍事合作及武器相容性,以確定為整合威懾做出貢獻的意願和能力。再從那些願意和能夠合作的國家中,建立了潛在的威懾聯盟,並將其總空中力量能力與北約-俄羅斯空中力量平衡進行比較,作為可信和充分威懾的參考。最後,提出了增加盟國和夥伴集體威懾中國的意願和能力和建議。
    This research explored the potential integration of U.S. and Indo-Pacific ally/partner air forces as a component of the new integrated deterrence strategy and examined courses of action to increase collective deterrence of Chinese aggression. Integrated deterrence is still in development with no clear policy for integration with foreign forces. This research first determines the willingness and ability of allies and partners to participate in the air domain of integrated deterrence for potential conflict scenarios in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait. Multiple indicators like current air force capabilities, treaty requirements, recent political statements, historical military cooperation, and weapons compatibility are compiled and analyzed to determine willingness and ability to contribute to collective deterrence. From those nations willing and able to cooperate, potential deterrence coalitions are made and their total air power capabilities compared with the NATO-Russia air power balance as a reference for credible and sufficient deterrence. Finally, recommendations for increasing allies and partners willingness and ability to collectively deter China are made.
    Integration of air forces is most likely to occur between the U.S., Australia, and Japan as they are the most willing and able to deter China in both scenarios. Taiwan is added in a Taiwan Strait crisis. The Philippines will be a vital basing location in either scenario. The inclusion of India as a credible member of an air deterrence network is the largest potential gain for air deterrence bringing hypothetical coalitions to near parity with the NATO-Russia air power balance. Recommendations for increasing integration of air power in the region include the creation of a Joint Pilot Training school, discounted and expedited sales of weapons to deterrence partners and solidification of dispersed airstrip basing, among others.
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