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    Title: 台灣人間佛教的保環注意:以慈濟基金會為例 1990-2021
    Environment in Taiwanese Humanistic Buddhism: The Case of the Tzu Chi Foundation 1990-2021
    Authors: 賴海生
    Rapp Aparicio, Adrian
    Contributors: 吳考甯
    Work, Courtney
    Rapp Aparicio, Adrian
    Keywords: 環保主義
    Tzu Chi
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:30:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文的目的是研究佛教與環境主義之間的相互作用在台灣最大和最成功的佛教組織之一:慈濟基金會。我認為慈濟整合了環境話語和佛教中的修行。環保主義的採用是對其興起的回應由於自然條件的惡化而突出。環保主義有時會提供合法性的不確定性。這讓慈濟能夠適應新的語法並保持其作為宗教組織。為了支持我的主張,我收集了與佛教和環保主義。此外,我分析了慈濟的原始資料,例如文件和視頻,並進行實地考察,參觀了其中一家慈濟回收中心。
    The purpose of this thesis is to research the interactions between Buddhism and environmentalism within one of the biggest and most successful Buddhist organizations in
    Taiwan: the Tzu Chi Foundation. I argue that Tzu Chi has integrated environmental discoursesand practices within Buddhism. The adoption of environmentalism responds to its rise to prominence due to worsening natural conditions. Environmentalism offers legitimacy in times of uncertainty. This allows Tzu Chi to adapt to a new grammar and retain its power as a religious organization. In order to back up my claims, I have gathered desk literature related to Buddhism and environmentalism. In addition, I analysed Tzu Chi primary sources, such as documents and videos, and carried out fieldwork, visiting one of the Tzu Chi recycling centres.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109926013
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200659
    Appears in Collections:[International Program in Asia-Pacific Studies\n(IMAS/IDAS)] 學位論文

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