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    Title: 組織領導對不同成員管理之組織效能影響研究:以雙北市政府為例
    The Effect of Differentiated Leadership on Organizational Performance: A Research on the Taipei and New Taipei City Governments
    Authors: 邱芷榆
    Chiu, Chih-Yu
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Chiu, Chih-Yu
    Keywords: 契約人力
    Contract personnel
    Contract staff
    Differential leadership
    Leadership behavior
    Organization effectiveness
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:27:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為因應時代變遷及社會發展所延伸的更多服務與需求,政府機關必須活化人力資源,增加彈性用人管道,以有效運用公務人力,因此建立完整之契約用人制度已是必然的趨勢。然而在同一個科室組織裡,常任文官及約僱人員此兩類部屬,基於不同人事進用制度及薪資結構規範下,他們對於彼此及對於科室主管的認知觀感將藉由本研究進行相關的探索。此外,科室主管對於此兩類部屬是否有著差異性的領導或管理方式,以及這三位組織成員對於整個組織氣候或氛圍的觀感也是本研究想加以討論的,最後,基於前述的相關研究結果綜合歸納出影響組織效能的原因。
    In response to more public service and social needs expanded by social development over time, the government shall activate and improve the flexibility of human resources to utilize civil manpower more effectively. Therefore, it is for sure a trend to built up a complete contract personnel system. However, complying with different personnel regulations and payment structures, the civil servant and the contract staff, the two followers in the same section of a department, their perceptions of each other and their leader will be explored in this study. Besides, the study aims to discuss if the section leader takes the differential leadership or management towards the two followers and also discuss perceptions of the organization climate among these group members. Ultimately, the study will infer causes of the organization effectiveness based on above findings.
    This study takes three angles which are according to the leader’s perspective on the two followers, the two followers’ perceptions of each other and their leader, and the point of view of the organization climate among these group members to capture their ideas or thoughts. Three angles are structured by different perspectives related to the personnel regulations based on their identities. With the in-depth interviews and case studies, the result is concluded by the induction and it helps to know causes of the organization effectiveness.
    This study finds that interpersonal perceptions of these group members are not causes of the organization effectiveness. Causes of the organization effectiveness are influenced by the attribute or the manpower stability of the section, and most importantly, the leadership behavior. Leadership behaviors or management styles play a significant role in contributing to the organization effectiveness to be maintained continuously or a high performance organization to be well-made.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107921047
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200508
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