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Title: | 派遣員工轉正意願之研究—以某電子公司為例 A study on the intention to stay of dispatched employee : A case of the electronic company |
Authors: | 陳俊廷 Chen, Jyun-Ting |
Contributors: | 張其恆 Chang, Chyi-Herng 陳俊廷 Chen, Jyun-Ting |
Keywords: | 派遣人員 留任意願 直接人員 Dispatched employee Intention to stay Direct Labor |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:24:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國經濟以出口為導向,電子製造業在產業結構中佔有一席之地,產業旺季時,雇主需要大量短期的直接人員在產線進行作業以消化訂單,讓以提供補充性勞動力的派遣業有發展空間。派遣產業在我國勞動市場已佔有一定規模,派遣業作為非典型就業的一種型態,伴隨著許多風險,除了不利於勞動市場的穩定外,對勞工個人的職涯發展也有相當程度的影響。然目前我國面臨製造業缺工問題,許多雇主除了提高薪資以擴大徵才,針對優秀的派遣員工也會給予轉正的機會,使其能夠成為要派公司的正式員工。卻仍有不少派遣員工不選擇轉正,又再投入其他派遣工作,造成職涯無法穩定發展。 本研究以個案公司為背景,與十位有轉正資格的派遣員工進行深度訪談,探討其願意及不願意轉為正職的主要原因。經由統整與分析訪談後的結果,提供個案公司,乃至整體電腦、電子產品及光學製品製造業些許人力資源策略上的建議,以提高派遣人員的轉正意願。 研究結果顯示,可發現派遣直接人員之所以選擇轉正或不轉正,主要是因為個人偏好程度不同。每位員工在各種需求面有不同程度的偏好,進一步權衡之後才決定是否轉正。對於願意轉正的人員來說,他們寧可接受較低的薪資待遇,以擺脫保障較低的派遣工作;對於不願意轉正的人員來說,即便對公司有一定的組織承諾,卻更重視薪資與自主發展空間。 由於偏好不同及就業型態的改變,使得除典型的就業者與失業者外,勞動市場上有一群人,比起與公司建立長期關係,更傾向介在兩者之間,成為市場上的「第三類人」。故本文對派遣事業單位與個案公司提出建議,透過調整個案公司及派遣事業單位的人力資源策略,期望能夠提升企業留下優秀派遣人才的可能性,並同時顧及遊走在就業與失業狀態的勞工。 Our economy is export-oriented, and the electronics manufacturing industry plays a significant role in the whole industry structure. During peak seasons, employers need a large number of short-term direct labors on the production line to fill orders, allowing the dispatch industry which provides supplementary labors to grow. The dispatch industry has already accounted for a certain proportion of our labor market. As an atypical form of employment, the dispatch industry is accompanied by some potential risks , not only resulting in instability of the labor market but also having a considerable impact on career development of individuals. In order to cope with the shortage of labor, numerous employers raise wages so as to expand recruitment and offer retention opportunities for dispatched workers who are valuable, while there are still many short-term employees choose to seek for other dispatch jobs, instead of stay, which give rise to instability in their career paths. This thesis based on a case study of the selected company, in which the in-depth interviews with ten dispatched employees who were eligible for retention were be conducted so as to figure out the main reasons for their willingness and reluctance to stay. According to the results of the interview analysis, it provides the companies some suggestions on human resource strategies to improve the retention of dispatched workers in computers, electronics, and optoelectronics manufacturing industries. The results of the analysis indicates that the main reason for dispatched direct labors choosing to stay or not is due to their personal preference. Each employee had various priorities and they considered further before deciding whether to stay. For those who had the willingness of retention, they would rather accept a lower salary package in order to get rid of a less secured dispatch job; for those who were not willing to stay, they valued salary and development space more, even though they had a certain degree of organization commitment to the company. This thesis suggests that flexible adjustments can be applied to human resource strategies in the aspects of salary and benefits, shift and working hours, assessment and performance, education and training, and promotion and career development. By providing a comprehensive and employee-friendly policy, it is expected to increase the possibility of retaining valuable dispatched employees and help dispatched employees getting rid of the uncertainty in labor market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 109262006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109262006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200520 |
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