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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/140662
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    Title: 動態社群網絡之智慧型視覺化分析工具開發
    Design of An Intelligent Visualization Tool for Analyzing Social Network Dynamics
    Authors: 陳嘉葳
    Chen, Chai-Wei
    Contributors: 李蔡彥
    Li, Tsai-Yen
    Chen, Chai-Wei
    Keywords: 機器學習
    Machine learning
    Deep learning
    Social network
    Social capital
    Information visualization System
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:21:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,社群網路 (Social Media)逐漸成為人們討論生活大小事的虛擬平台,例如在Twitter上,每秒6000則的貼文使得社群媒體上累積大量、豐富且多元的資料;然而,在資料龐大且複雜的情況下,如何有一套有效的整理、分析並解讀資料的機制變得相當重要的,也是近年火熱的研究議題之一。本研究的目的在於針對社群媒體複雜凌亂的資料,以社群媒體研究者為使用對象,建立一套以社會網絡 (Social Network)為基礎的視覺化工具,目的在於透過工具的探索與觀察,能夠剖析特定事件下社群媒體使用者凝聚成社群、甚至「結盟」的狀況;再者,透過「時間軸」的設計,希望能夠看到社群凝聚與消散過程的動態變化,以讓工具使用者能方便觀察社群動態變化及其涵意,並期待針對社會資本(Social Capital)、同質性理論(Homophily)等社群網路有名的理論,透過工具進行詮釋、探索以及分析。本研究透過實驗方式驗證系統設計的有效性。我們共邀請20位受試者協助本研究進行測試,於實驗過程中,受試者會依序進行「教學任務」與「正式任務」,以熟悉工具使用,並進行社群網絡資料的探索。我們會記錄受試者學習工具操作的時間,並請其填寫包含USE問卷與使用有效性問卷,以及進行開放性問題的深度訪談。我們從問卷結果與回饋中得到幾項發現:1. 雖然工具本身需要具有相關知識與經驗才能容易上手,也需要花時間學習,但對於社群研究者以及工作者來說,本研究所設計的系統可以提供一個有效且具備探索上高自由度與高度解釋性的工具進行社群探索;2. 在加入社會資本概念後,能明確觀察到社群資本的動態變化以及流動擴散,並能增加探索的多元性以及可解釋性。本研究所設計的系統除提供目標使用者有效的探索工具外,亦證明社會資本概念的加入能讓本社群探索工具更為直覺,並提供未來相關研究一個可以持續發展與實踐的方向。
    In recent years, social media has become a platform for people to discuss many issues and trends. For example, due to the increasing number of tweets on Twitter, we have accumulated a large amount of rich and diverse information. However, how to effectively explore and in-terpret huge and complex data has become an important and popular research topic in recent years. The purpose of this research is to design a visualization tool for social media researchers such that they can explore and analyze the social network on these media. It can be used to analyze how the social media users coalesce into communities or even under specific events. Moreover, the tool allows the users to see the dynamics in the process of community coales-cence and dispersal. Through the time-line design of the visualization tool, we hope to allow the users to easily observe the dynamic changes of the community as well as the interpretation, exploration and analysis of well-known social network theories such as social capital and ho-mophily. We have designed an experiment to evaluate our system. A total of 20 subjects were invited to participate in the experiment. The subjects become familiar with the tools through an instruction mission and a main mission in sequence. The time for the subjects to learn the operations of the tool was recorded, and an questionnaire was used to evaluate the system. There are several findings from the questionnaires and feedback of the subjects: 1. Although the tool itself requires relevant knowledge and experience for the users to learn how to use the system, it provides an effective tool with a high degree of freedom for exploration and inter-pretation of social community; 2. The incorporation of the concept of social capital into the system can clearly help the users observe the dynamic changes and diffusion of community capital, which can increase the diversity and interpretability of the exploration. The tool was shown to be effective for the target users, and the implementation of the social capital con-cept makes community exploration more intuitive. The experimental results also shed some lights on the future research directions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109753134
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200680
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系] 學位論文

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