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    Title: 如何增加線上顧客的惠顧意願:一個科技接受模型與情感模型的混合模型
    How to Increase Online Customer Patronage Intention: A Hybrid Model of Technology Acceptance Model and Emotional Model
    Authors: 張瀞方
    Jeng-Fang (Fiona), Chang
    Contributors: 何富年
    Ho, Foo-Nin
    Jeng-Fang (Fiona), Chang
    Keywords: 對購物網站之態度
    Attitude toward shopping sites
    Emotional model
    Online shopping sites
    Technology acceptance model
    Customer patronage intention
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:16:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: To compete effectively, modern shopping sites should offer innovative services that appeal to more customers and are in accordance with customer wants in order to achieve sustainable development, as these clients are a significant source of business interest and word of mouth. As a result, an increasing number of retail sites are employing emotional clues to improve user experiences. Previous information technology adoption models, on the other hand, virtually completely overlook emotional variables, resulting in an academic gap in forecasting consumer behavior. As a result, this thesis proposes a novel hybrid model based on the technology acceptance model and an emotional model to predict online customer patronage intention. The hybrid model explains how attitudes regarding shopping sites are influenced by the ease of use, usefulness, activation, and pleasure, as well as how it affects patronage intentions. This thesis employs the qualitative research method to collect interview data to verify the proposed hybrid model, and the analysis results support all propositions. These analysis results can advance the literature on information technology adoption models from a novel emotional perspective, and assist online vendors in realizing profits through the hybrid model in this thesis.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108933005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200644
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