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Title: | 疫情時代音樂及表演藝術產業跨界轉型策略之研究—以A企業為例 A Case Study on Cross-over Strategy for the Transformation of Music and Performing Art Industry in the Pandemic Era - Taking A Company for Example |
Authors: | 汪幼萍 Wang, Yu-Ping |
Contributors: | 詹文男 Tsan, Wen-Nan 汪幼萍 Wang, Yu-Ping |
Keywords: | 疫情時代 跨界 轉型策略 Pandemic era Cross-over Transformation strategy |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:12:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Covid-19是本世紀全球最大的趨勢事件,由於疫情發展成高度不確定性的「新常態」,衝擊許多產業原有的發展軌跡,音樂及表演藝術產業更是其中重災區。疫情對於演出團體中長期營運的影響,會從2022年開始浮現。 雖然音樂及表演藝術團體當下的問題,是趕快拉回失去的觀眾;而長久的問題則是,在疫情時代新常態的考驗下,經營體質的「曝險部位」有哪些?又應該乘勢進行哪些策略回應? 本研究以A企業面對疫情時代推動之跨界轉型計畫為實際研究個案,針對個案企業人士進行質化訪談,取得初級資料。之後,進一步採用陳明哲博士提出之動態競爭理論,結合產業趨勢分析、消費者分析、企業SWOT分析,以及轉型計畫C3E元素檢視,針對A企業轉型前後之競爭領域、實現方法、差異因子、發展步驟、獲利模式進行分析,描繪並對照出轉型前後策略鑽石模型的動態發展。據此了解音樂及表演藝術產業在疫情時代的跨界轉型策略,及其與產業趨勢變化的連結脈絡。 自2020年2月以來,疫情至今仍在發生中,A企業像許多其他企業一樣,處於策略動態調整的轉型期。透過本研究也了解到,面對環境重大事件衝擊,往往是盤點自身能耐是否與時俱進的關鍵時刻。而企業轉型策略的形成是由於意識到外部機會的存在,藉以評估自身所擁有的優勢是否能回應外部機會,或者是外部機會是否能降低自身的劣勢,以取得持續成長的動力。 由於新冠疫情是一個新的時代議題,無法由歷史文獻或過去學術報告進行了解,所有企業人士也都在摸索中前進。吾人願藉本研究之初探,期能為未來的研究者累積一些系統性的基礎,並為企業在轉型策略上提供參考。 Covid-19 is an enormous trend event in the world this century. As the pandemic evolving a highly uncertain "New Normal", it has affected the original development road map of many industries, and the music as well as performing arts industries are the hardest hit areas. The impact of the pandemic on the medium- and long-term operation of performing groups will emerge from 2022. Although the current problem of music and performing arts groups is to pull back the lost audience as quick as possible. However, the long-term problems should be what are the "risk exposures" of business operation, and what strategies should we take advantage of the situation to respond under the challenge of the new normal in the pandemic era? This study takes the cross-over transformation plan promoted by A Company in the pandemic era as a practical research case. It conducts qualitative interviews with the core members of A company to obtain primary data. After that, the Competitive Dynamics Theory proposed by Dr. Ming-Jer Chen is further adopted, combined with industrial trend analysis, consumer analysis, SWOT analysis of A Company, and C3E of transformation plan. Element View to inspect Arena, Vehicles, Differentiation, Staging, and Economic Logic of A Company, furthermore, to depict and compare the dynamic development of the Diamond Framework before and after the transformation. Based on this, the cross-over transformation strategy of the music and performing arts industry in the era of the pandemic, along with the context of its links with the changes in industrial trends can be discerned. Since February 2020, the pandemic is still happening, and A Company, like many other enterprises, is in a transition period of dynamic strategic adjustment. This study indicates that under the impact of major external events, it is often a critical moment to take stock of whether an enterprise’s capability can keep pace with the times. In addition, the construction of enterprise transformation strategy is due to the consciousness of the existence of external opportunities, so as to evaluate whether the advantages the enterprise owned can respond to external opportunities, or whether external opportunities can reduce enterprise’s disadvantages in order to keep growing. As the COVID-19 pandemic is a new era issue, it cannot be explained by historical documents or past academic papers, and all enterprises are also moving forward during exploration. Hopefully, the preliminary exploration of this study can help to build up some systematic foundation for future researchers and to provide references for enterprises in transformation strategies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 104932065 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932065 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200687 |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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